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04/04/24 8:58 AM

#186029 RE: Scope08 #186024

Reanimator, does not need to answer you. Everyone is here for the own reasons with their own valid perspectives. Just in the same way Proto doesn’t need to answer to me or Reanimator. He has posted 20 posts a day for over decade, none of it has ever panned out. None of it has ever com true, none of it has ever been validated and yet he posts over and over and over. Why? That’s a question why? Does he need to answer me? Does he need to answer to reanimator? Does he need to answer to anybody? Does he? No, absolutely not. So take your high character, your “loyalty”nonsense, and stay off the board.

As far as I’m concerned, many people here are deceived. Have have deceived themselves, and they happily deceive others here.

Return to you “Igonore the truth” state.

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04/04/24 9:56 AM

#186041 RE: Scope08 #186024

I am what I have always presented myself to be, Scope: a disgruntled long who is unwilling to put on rose colored glasses and say "everything is going really great!", unwilling to traffic in ridiculous conspiracy theories and baseless speculation, and unwilling to give management a free pass for years of missed deadlines, missed timelines, missed goals, and missed business objectives.

I'm here because I think it's important to set the record straight for any new investors who encounter the blizzard of misinformation on this site from the cheerleaders.

I'm also here to raise shareholder awareness and agitate for change - surely you've seen me repeatedly encourage shareholders to vote "no" on the executive compensation plans at the annual meeting?

Now. I notice that you completely ignored the fairly damning question I posed to you, so I'll pose it to you again: why would you care about the shorts if you honestly believed that LWLG has some technology that all the big names are just dying to get their hands on and can't possibly function without? Shouldn't you actually be encouraging the shorts, since they're going to get smoked and send the share price skyrocketing?

I'll await your response. Go ahead, I'll wait.