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04/04/24 9:45 AM

#1180 RE: gfp927z #1176

gfp: I will be disappointed if Gold is not at least $2500 by the end of the year. It should be $4000 already with the amount of borrowing/printing going on. By year end the US Treasury's #1 expense will be interest on the debt at @ $1.5 Trillion a year. That's a big chunk of the overall budget. The US will borrow at least $2.5 Trillion, which means we have to borrow just to pay interest on the debt. As the recent minibus stop gap budget deal indicates the Congress is oblivious and there are no serious voices doing anything about the spending orgy going on. Every day that goes by that we don't recognize the dangers of the exploding debt is going to result in far worse economic conditions down the road. Hard assets and paid off real estate (or real estate with an ultra low rate mortgage) are all we can do to hedge the losses the US dollar will eventually see.