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04/02/24 1:21 PM

#63584 RE: johnnytrader33 #63580

Prove your years long campaign of libelous claims. Doubt you’ll endeavor to do so.
A little case log precedent reading for you and your friends.

Q: How might an anonymous squirt of a boy lying and scheming for his masters possibly be harmed?
Notably, Tim Dixon is a public figure. Subject to sharp honest rebuke, yes - but years of unsubstantiated libel? Defamation? Disparagement? Securities fraud?


) SECTION 17200; and

Ex Parte ruling, John. Ship; sailed.
Perhaps they didn’t tell you?

Let’s review a few more paragraphs from Tim Dixon’s SDSC Plaintiff v DOES 1-50 Declaration…as unsubstantiated libelous/defamatory comments you and others have published here and on other platforms under myriad surnames hundreds if not thousands of times, are discussed in detail.

“22. On or about August 5, 2021, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Investigational Drug Application (IND) for Phase 3 testing. The stock then began to climb again and by mid-August 2021 the stock was approximately $0.135 giving TSOI a Market Cap of approximately $330,000,000.
23. Prior to TSOI acquiring the lung indication a Phase 2b clinical trial was completed at the University Miami in Miami Florida and Dr. Camillo Ricordi was the principal investigator. On or about August 18, 2021, TSOI, Dixon, and Ichim attended a Zoom meeting with representatives from the University Miami and Jadi Cell (Patel.) During that Zoom meeting, TSOI and Dixon discovered that apparently Dr. Ricordi was kept in the dark by Dr. Patel regarding the exclusive licensing agreement, complete rights to master cell bank and the transfer of the Phase III IND that at the time was the property of JADI with Dr. Ricordi being the listed investigator. Dr. Ricordi, among other things stated that he would “destroy TSOI” and maintained that he and the University of Miami (“UM”), through a Material Transfer Agreement (“MTA”) executed in 2018 gave them all the rights. This misunderstanding was later corrected, and UM transferred the IND per the agreement to TSOI, but it took a “rights clarifying letter” from JADI’s attorney to move UM’s legal department.
24. On approximately August 23, 2021, a group of usernames and/or screen names, including DOES 1-7, began posting on the (“StockTwits”) web page for TSOI. This group began promoting TSOI as the next best thing. These posts lasted several days.
25. However, the positive posts quickly became negative and defamatory. On September 27, 2021, a poster who now goes by the screen name DOE 2 “Slumboar” posted a single post that said, “Yo Tim, Screw your forum.” This is strangely close in time to when Dr. Ricordi and UM began realizing there was an issue with the IND and their rights.
26. This “Slumboar” screenname changes his screenname every couple of weeks and will likely change again before this cause of action is filed. From September 27, 2021, to present, “Slumboar” has attacked Plaintiffs and other TSOI personnel at a rate of approx. 40-50 posts on per day, with a running count of over 40,000 negative posts.
27. DOE 3 “Rosiebelle” and DOE 1 “CEOTimDixonIsAFraud” also began the same type of attack on TSOI to present, each of them also making tens of thousands of negative posts regarding Dixon, Ichim, and TSOI. By October 2021, all of DOES 1-7 were actively using the TSOI forum on and making defamatory and libelous statements against Plaintiffs.
28. Through these posts, DOES 1-7 accused TSOI of being a scam and fraudulent, attacked QuadraMune®, and accused Dr. Ichim and Mr. Dixon of being liars, thieves, and cocaine addicts. These posts also accused Dixon and Ichim of committing illegal acts. As an example, several posts accused Ichim and Dixon of secretly dumping millions of shares without reporting those stock sales as they are required to do under SEC rules. The fact is that Mr. Dixon last sold stock in 2014 and Dr. Ichim has not personally sold a single share of his holdings. There is a public record to that effect. Examples of the defamatory posts are referenced in this Complaint and are contained in Exhibits 1-7.
29. On October 17, 2021, TSOI stock was $0.04.
30. From at least October 16, 2021, to the date of the filing of Plaintiffs’ Complaint,
DOES 1- 20 posted negative comments about Plaintiffs and others. These posts accused
TSOI of being a scam, and that Dixon and others were liars, thieves, and frauds. Additionally,
the posts accused Dixon of secretly dumping millions of shares without reporting those stock
sales as he is required to do under SEC rules.”

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04/02/24 1:30 PM

#63586 RE: johnnytrader33 #63580

Prove it isn’t ongoing. I’ll wait.

Then kindly explain how you and your cohorts ignore completely the contextual value of this statement made by $TSOI on under penalty of perjury:

22. Beginning in late August 2021, TSOI began requesting associated description of the cell numbers and characterization documentation as well as temperature logs, and chain of custody and regulatory paperwork to clinical trial doses held by UM that came from the original transfer in 2018 from both UM and Jadi Cell. TSOI’s requests were ignored, delayed, and evaded from for close to 18 months. Once the transcripts from Patel and Ricordi became public TSOI, and this Amici, grew very concerned that the cells could not be validated by virtue of their own testimony under oath and that should we continue on with the Phase 3 clinical trial we likely would never get a Biological License Agreement (BLA) with the US FDA. Ricordi, and by extension Patel, filed an Investigational New Drug application to conduct the phase 1/2b. They told FDA they were using the biologic drug referenced in Drug Master File (DMF) 18138. The same DMF we licensed exclusively from Jadi Cell. The drug referenced in DMF 13138
describes the drug from the ‘176 patent as “expresses at least three cell markers selected from CD29, CD73, CD90, CD166, SSEA4, CD9, CD44, CD146, or CD105, and does not express at least three cell
markers selected from CD45, CD34, CD14, CD79, CD106, CD86, CD80, CD19, CD117, Stro-1, or
23. Everything this Amici has described to this court came directly from the COA’s and other
documentation from Jadi Cell, UM, and University of Utah and directly contradicts any validation that
they were using JadiCells, which, as described above, express Nanog or the 3 biomarkers described in the “176 patent. It seems to me that there has been a concerted effort here to not document actual cells as claimed in ‘176.”
