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03/29/24 2:22 PM

#232320 RE: Boilingman #232319

How so? Can you be specific as it applies to LQMT. Have these incentives to executives benefited outside shareholders? How Have they benefited the shareholders. In what specific manner are options for executives of LQMT a benefit and to whom? Can you point out a specific case or event in LQMT’s history where any of these opinions benefited us outside shareholders?

I understand the purpose of options incentives and bonuses for executives.

Did you know in a post not to long ago I pointed out that former executive PH still holds his LQMT stock options? And a few other former executives as well?

I can see the justification in other companies for the potential added dilution of shares where by contracts exist and revenues are earned up or down.

I can see why and I’m not against the issuing of options for all of the executives and employees of LQMT.

What I don’t see is the this; Regardless….i just don’t see how any of these options have benefited outside shareholders or are a positive based on historical fact to present day.

Especially when not one new contract has been announced by the executives operating LQMT, going into its 27th month! Just what the hell is so positive about that? Future expectations don’t cut it. Heck past options in recent years have been granted extensions. To me it’s just another game of Kick the Can. I could use more vulgar words to describe it from growing up in the streets of Brooklyn. But I was taught better at home.

Now maybe if I read the tea leaves correctly, since my grammar is piss poor, maybe Mr. IB who definitely is a lot smarter than I am, just maybe he could not afford to buy 2,000,000 million more shares of LQMT stock and contracts are on the horizon and the only way for him to be rewarded were the issuing of those options. Heck, I would love to see all of the executives exercise those options Monday morning. And so would everyone else.

It’s just that after two decades of owning shares I stopped speculating. Now if anyone wants to invest in a highly speculative stock today with no guarantees of success but never ever ending stock options for executives who are up front and honest. This is definitely the dice roll of a lifetime!
And for some here it definitely has been a lifetime and for others sadly they have gone on to their reward. May their souls rest in heaven.

Regardless… I just don’t see the positive and I’m glad you do. But if you can, since you respectfully disagree with my opinion. Could you please answer my questions about LQMT and stock options I pose above in the beginning of my reply so that I can better understand why those options are a positive?
Thank you.