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04/01/24 1:05 PM

#586 RE: Investors3 #584

I've seen it several times, I believe it's in their whitepaper and is based on having something like 107 million users in their PDL (personal data locker) and the value of that coming to about $500 per user. I "think" I have this correct as how they arrived at that price. Even if this get's to $1.70 that's huge, they have aligned and are partnering with the right companies so in 3-5 years I do believe a couple of dollars is possible since large investment firms will begin buying at some point, such as Blackrock. I also believe Japan is passing legislation to make crypto very "friendly" to hold, as in no taxes. You can find some great research on Twitter (x) and Youtube, they also have a Telegram account. I plan on holding at least 1-2 million long term (5+ years) but will sale at certain points once this goes up. One hard lesson I've learned is don't fall in love with any stock or coin and take profit off the table. I have my fingers cross Jasmy will make up for all the sh*t OTC stocks I lost a buddle on in the last 5 years so maybe I can retire in comfort in about 5 years from now. Not investment advice and DYOR naturally and there's a lot of good info on Jasmy if you look around for it. Good Luck!