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04/01/24 5:38 PM

#587 RE: mikesmith3 #586

thank you! I have read their white paper back when i first invested in Jasmy a couple years ago, but didn't remember any price predictions of their token. I will go back and re-read for this or at least to again see their plans for capitalizing on their PDL...i remember when they hit over $ 4 a token
just on speculation of what they hoped to accomplish and the many successful Sony executives involved, so I don't doubt that this can again go over several dollars! Especially, with Japan opening up right of VC's to purchase crypto and the companies that Jasmy has been rumored to do business with, imho. The tax reduction legislation in Japan that you mention, would also help in my opinion! In addition to their corporate website, i also like to follow a few people that appear very knowledgeable on Reddit, which i have shared some of their opinions on this message board. If you have any links to the Twitter, etc...discussion of Jasmy, please share it here! I agree with and appreciate you sharing your investment strategy and reasoning. It is just our opinion and should not be taken as investment advice...Thanks again!