I myself am not in any groups. But I do see your need to label someone or people because you are wrong and you have gone from 16k down to 480ieh bucks in your investment. It’s a common reaction and tactic to blame others for their own faults and wrong doings. You can claim your self righteousness all you want but you cannot hide the company’s history and how it got here. Cannot. To do this is dishonest. Also if someone is so embedded and positive about a company, there is no reason not to find a way to assist that company with their money in investing in the company …. Even above .01 there was dilution which you took part of in buying. You just choose not to below .01 since you’re not allowed to in the country you’re in? Giving away your losses and promoting the company as you do really doesn’t seem like you’re vested in the company’s progress. IMO.