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03/27/24 11:33 AM

#681536 RE: Doc logic #681502

You may believe all of those things happened, and it’s certainly possible some are partially correct if knowable, without spoiling a trial or without a subpoena. The problem is you assume to know things that cannot be shown as fact, in a court of law. And you’re saying that those things should allow someone to arrest another person for their “false” opinion piece. We believe such things are false, and the end result of unblinding shows we were right.

None of that adds up to the police not doing their job. The anger that gets expressed, while understandable, is totally removed from the notion of a free society with actual laws that preserve liberties and freedom.

What does that mean? It means bad people often get away with blatant bad acts that cannot be shown to be criminal unless we knew for a fact that they were, and saying bad things is not a crime. Saying bad things in exchange for stories, if the journalist claims he sincerely believed those things or believed his source, very difficult to put the details together to actually legally put someone in jail. Now, if we lived in a totalitarian state, we could call the president, make a donation to his “campaign” that he wins with 90% of the vote and likely count on our enemies getting arrested and maybe dying in prison. Wouldn’t that feel good! Except, companies like NWBO do not exist in such countries. So you’d probably have to lie about someone innocent to steal their business in such a society. And that definitely happens.

The problem with feeling outrage is that in a world that is good, you accept that laws exist and that people have freedoms, even if we don’t like them. I have offered my suggestions. Those are real suggestions for preventing the problem. Dealing with such problems after the fact is very difficult in a free society where you have freedom of the press, freedom of opinion and everyone is not under constant surveillance. But if you think we’d have better investment outcomes in such a society, it’s on the ballot for 2024. Such societies are not efficient though, so one has to get in with the elites to dictate what happens, and that usually requires already acquired, usually inherited wealth or power.