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03/26/24 12:25 PM


Likewise. That was a heck of a great run Skip. Zip code changing run for some... ;)

Looking for another run like that again, ThenLambo "caught in 4k" too funny man!

I teach my kids, you just have to stick up to bully's. But more importantly we talk about why they act the way they do and it's typically because they are hurting inside. Case in point. However, in my house we try to help, pray and cheer them up. Sooooo deep breath here. All joking aside.

Reegs, still hoping for you too man because you seem stressed and burned out by this one for last 4 yrs. Hope this bounces back up for yours and everyone's sake. Would love nothing more for this to make a run back up to .08 for you to break even and .1 to make more money. ORRRRR .5 like Money5 is saying. Maybe it's not just a catchy name after all.

You going to change it to Moneysign.5 afterwards?