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03/25/24 9:35 PM

#422483 RE: Whalatane #422474

I'm not saying LDL isn't something to be concerned about if you are metabolically unhealthy. It is....... it's a factor but it's not THE factor. CVD is the number one killer in the world..... yet although statins have been around for a very long time, CVD is still the number one killer in the world. My point is that if you are metabolically healthy and you have a high LDL, your Dr will suggest that you take a statin to get your LDL down. I will test this next month. Prior to going on this very very low carb way of eating that I have been doing for 5 months now, my LDL was around 105 and my HDL was around 90. My trigs are around 40 so you can argue that I am pretty healthy metabolically. My BP tends to hang around 130/85 ish.... sometimes just above 140/90 but usually below that threshold. I eat mostly protein and healthy fats so next month I will have my lipids done to see where they stand. I suspect my LDL is going up and I'm curious to see what my General Practitioner has to say. I'm 6'3" with 18% body fat so pretty lean...... it's possible that my LDL goes way up on this way of eating so stay tuned.