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03/25/24 5:03 PM

#724979 RE: Boris the Spider #724977

Roger that BTS... "irrefutable"... would you kindly let me know the source?... much appreciated!


Boris the Spider

03/25/24 5:32 PM

#724980 RE: Boris the Spider #724977

Did you read the filing Split posted?


03/25/24 6:40 PM

#724986 RE: Boris the Spider #724977

This was documented in 2008….anything more recent…..


03/25/24 9:17 PM

#724999 RE: Boris the Spider #724977

And What JPM Did Acquire.

JPM will be paying for.

“WMB and it’s assets”.

“Willful Misconduct”.

IMO, JPM has been making payments to the FDIC-C for WMB and it’s assets to keep the interest rate accumulation down.

The FDIC-C just hasn’t passed the numbers yet to the FDIC-R. The FDIC-R is still generating the final numbers due to the LIBOR litigation.
Resolution in process.
