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03/22/24 3:29 PM

#6567 RE: YY1000 #6565

My periodic update from the small group of KOL MDs that I know is that not much has changed in their view of daxi. The ones that liked it keep using it, but no new conversions. The ones that use it still report that half the patients that try daxi go back to previous toxin.

So in other words, the market for Daxxify is growing as those who use it keep doing so and only half that try it go back.
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03/22/24 4:36 PM

#6571 RE: YY1000 #6565

Re: Third-tranche buyers

I fully agree with the reasoning here. However given the drop in share price, and, per Dew's previous messages, the need to find buyers for the trench at the pre-agreed terms, it could be they fail to do the final draw.

That’s possible; however, it’s more likely (IMO) that the buyers of the third Athyrium tranche have been lined up for some time, but they had the leverage to play hardball and insist on better credit terms, forcing the equity raise.