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03/18/24 9:38 PM

#78836 RE: drugmanrx #78834



03/19/24 12:22 AM

#78839 RE: drugmanrx #78834

You are a drunken sot full of your own imagined self-importance. No one has "done me wrong" in this, or any other, shameless Pink Penny fraud. I don't throw money at cons or follow mentally ill Cult figures. And if you're going to display quotes, use the quote in full so that people can read what was actually said, not what you wish was said.

You, in all your self-righteous stupidity are the one who said this wasn't the proper place for a humanitarian plea. So here it is again Those interested in truly helping those whose worlds have been ripped apart by the Texas wildfires or the Mid-Western Tornados might consider the following charity.