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03/16/24 3:33 PM

#53233 RE: Timing101 #53232

101----thanks again for the summation----about as concise as it gets-------where we stand now-----in my HUMBLE OPINION------the black and white comes down to--------HOLY COW MG DID IT-----the first order before the merger gets announced----GOOD JOB !!!!!----------------------to-----------------------------great, the latest nonsense in a long line of nonsense soon to evaporate---------------------------------------and alot a grey in between...............................eom..........................


03/28/24 9:10 AM

#53258 RE: Timing101 #53232

101-----again, thank you for the break-down-------my guess-----this csol "po" is complete nonsense----hard to imagine but the stink on this gets stronger----side note only-----j muese ! another blast from the past-------he and joeyp are quite the pair..........side side note------i have to admit i once thought gaalswyk brought something to the table here---------HOLYEFF-----------i sure pegged that wrong.........