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03/14/24 7:08 PM

#466570 RE: B402 #466568

Sorry, Urban Coastal Elites that are out of touch with probably 60% of the country

And what about your MAGAt party? Are they also out of touch with 60% of the country or merely insane? This is the person who could be in charge of all public education in NC.

Pay-per-view in front of firing squad': GOP candidate called for Obama's public execution

The Republican candidate to oversee schools in North Carolina has repeatedly called for executing Democratic presidents, a CNN report claimed.

According to an investigation by CNN's KFILE, "Michele Morrow, a conservative activist who last week upset the incumbent Superintendent of Public Instruction in North Carolina’s Republican primary, expressed support in 2020 for the televised execution of former President Barack Obama and suggested killing then-President-elect Joe Biden."

This comes after an exclusive Raw Story investigation that exposed some of her other extremist social media postings, including wishing death on tech billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates.

In one tweet, she replied to a commenter saying Obama should be sent to the Guantanamo Bay detention facility,

“I prefer a Pay Per View of him in front of the firing squad. I do not want to waste another dime on supporting his life. We could make some money back from televising his death.” In another, she proclaimed, “Death to ALL traitors!!” in response to a photoshopped image of Obama sitting in an electric chair.

Morrow, a homeschooling advocate and registered nurse, also called for Biden's death in response to his advocacy that people wear masks at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic was spreading with no vaccine available, the report claimed.

She has also promoted slogans from the QAnon conspiracy theory, a Nazi-linked ideology which holds that a Satanic group of elites are sex-trafficking children and consuming their blood to achieve immortality; falsely claimed that Obama was Muslim; and that the Chinese Communist Party stationed thousands of soldiers in Canada to steal the election for Biden.

North Carolina Republicans face similar controversy over their gubernatorial nominee, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, who has promoted Holocaust denial and waxed nostalgic for the era when women couldn't vote.
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03/14/24 7:18 PM

#466573 RE: B402 #466568

I told you that unions are good. You denied it and now you're wherever you are.

I'm sorry that people vote for their best interests. That's a problem all of the rest of us "elites" need to figure out.

I mean jebus crhist, how many lunch programs for little kids are denied with federal money sitting there? How do they deny expanded Medicare? How do they tell people that they want to take away everything they worked for and force a 10 year old child to give birth to her rapist's baby? Let alone a poor woman who only wanted a child to be issued a death sentence because her fetus is not viable.

Put kids in precarious jobs at the age of 13 because there's a labor shortage? Da fuq do you think reasonable people will vote for?
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03/14/24 8:14 PM

#466590 RE: B402 #466568

Election results in '18, '20, '22 and '23 specials belie your claim, as no way that only 40% support of Dems garners the wins that went up on the board.

Another failing of yours, inability to lay your claims along side real world electoral results. Or, unwillingness to do so as the claims are repeatedly blown out of the water.

Now, what in the post that you are responding to, exactly, is inaccurate, unverifiable?
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janice shell

03/15/24 12:07 AM

#466676 RE: B402 #466568

Sorry, Urban Coastal Elites that are out of touch with probably 60% of the country... Whoever coined the Urban Coastal Elite thing nailed it pretty good.

You just love rolling that around on your tongue, don't you? Did you ever consider going to college? Maybe getting a graduate degree? There're lots of great universities that aren't on the coasts, you know. In Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois. Even in Missouri and Texas. Iowa and Nebraska. Many more. There're universities with excellent graduate departments in highly specialized disciplines all over the country.

But you just want to whine and complain.