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03/14/24 12:21 PM

#234881 RE: dukeb #234880

I watched the video and boy it is packed full of typical Mark (and George) B.S.

1) In the teaser intro George says that he sees the prospect of ZRFY being profitable in 2024. LOL. Sure, George.

2) This would have been a golden opportunity for ZRFY to showcase the Zerify Meet product by having the ZZ-Top bearded pumper clown at SmallCapVoice talk to Mark and George using...Zerify Meet. Presumably the interview was conducted over Zoom or some other stable video platform. They ain't using Zerify Meet or they would have said so.

3) Look at the whiteboard behind Mark. They scribbled "AI Initiative." Like any good OTC scammers they are jumping on the latest buzz words (remember how ZRFY was going to get into the crypto security business?) When the white labelling fails, stay tuned for the next carrot: "Zerify is securing Artificial Intelligence."

4) Mark talks about his career at JP Morgan and then says someone asked him to head up a cyber security company and then "like a fool I said 'yes' unfortunately. And here I am 23 years later and still trying to get this to work." As George laughs....yes, George, it's hilarious that you, Mark and Raj have taken MILLIONS from shareholders over the last 23 years and you have nothing to show for it. A big freakin' joke, you jackass.

5) George's mentions the white label launch, which is expected within the next couple of weeks, but he also says that he can't name the white label partner because...reasons. "They expect to bring in hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of partners..." and he mentions how shareholders will benefit when "revenue starts coming in from this stuff." Nothing says you are professional like referring to your flagship products as STUFF.

6) Mark says "This year it all goes live. Finally."

7) Mark says they are "talking to companies" about leveraging their patent portfolio. Sure, Mark. George follows up mentioning the $1+ million plus licensing they did in 2017 (to Microsoft, IIRC). Conveniently George never mentions that the money that came in from that license went right into the pockets of the 3 amigos. George says that Mark is "interviewing" law firms to represent ZRFY in that litigation. Yeah, but there's still a liability based on the last supposed licensing effort that remains outstanding. Gotta pay that off first, boys.

tldr; more B.S. from Mark and George on a paid-to-appear scamming OTC video. Mark is the bumbling CEO (who whips out a handkerchief and blows his nose while George is speaking) and George is the silver tonged front man who blathers with the details.

The screengrab for the video is telling...they look like mug shots.