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02/26/07 2:15 PM

#22 RE: Thinman13 #21

Thinman, with all due respect, if that is true why are you still broke? I dont mean that as disrespect, but if you knew this since 10 , why hve you not been able to manifest more abundance in your life? tia.


11/06/08 11:50 AM

#349 RE: Thinman13 #21

ye are as gods

or put another way

it's like gravity,,,,, not just a good idea, but, the law

veils thin, the process faster now than ever

one quick story ( readers digest condensed version )
meditating in front of the woodstove one morning,
( release, relax, let go, give thanks, ask for more )
enjoying the beingness of self ( see all things ) i wanted confirmation of my manifestational abilities, and for some reason i intended,/asked to see two dimes. thats all just two dimes.

a few days later, in february, after coming out of an auto parts store, stepping down onto the street, slush/ice, i looked down to keep my feet dry, and there was a dime, and as i bent down thinking great, theres a dime, where's the other one? i saw it buried a half an inch in the soft ice, right there beside it.

a few years later, i was telling a friend about the experience, and as i was sitting at a red light, i thought about it more, and gave thanks for the experience, and said "this time i want them shiney!

a few days later, mrs eliot and i are in kmart parking lot walking into the store, i turned to go between two cars, and there were my two dimes glinting in the sun ( almost burnt out my retina's ) ahhhhhhhhhh life is good

the way is within

study deeply

toss away these thoughts

trust the self