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03/04/24 12:09 PM

#453309 RE: Anshu2 #453301

It helps keep Missling employed to keep hopeful shareholders salivating. Don’t forget, the BOD is also an audience for him. Most directors, I’m sure including Anavex’s directors, spend very little time focused on the companies on whose boards they sit. Directors are loathe to get involved in management decisions and generally don’t want to rock the boat unless they absolutely have to. As long as it sounds good, directors will sit back.

Separately, I’m not sure that the WGTers, or message boards in general for that matter, don’t affect the share price. There could well be hundreds or even thousands of people who read this board and never post but who are at somewhat influenced by what they read. We really don’t know and I’ve never seen a research study on the subject of message board influence on investor sentiment or stock prices.

Regardless, Missling is a pro when it comes to keeping shareholders hopeful. He’s done it many times and always successfully. Remember, a lot of people just want to hear things that confirm their own bias.

DOG bless,