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03/04/24 8:55 AM

#453293 RE: Investor2014 #453292

You continue to make a series of assumptions to atomize the stats into insignificant pieces, and then conclude -- based on your assumptions -- that no stats apply. At bottom, this is circular reasoning.
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03/04/24 9:47 AM

#453300 RE: Investor2014 #453292

All the more reason for the CHMP not to have deemed blarcamesine eligible to apply if they rarely allow neurodegenerative medicines to go through to be assessed but they did deem them eligible.
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03/07/24 12:01 PM

#453648 RE: Investor2014 #453292

Investor, nice work on researching the reasons for 2023 MAA non-completion. You seem to hang your hat on the fact of only 3 drugs in 2023 were CNS related, of which 2 were approved...thus concluding that looking at the overall EMA approval rates are not relevant to A 2-73. So you seem to be saying that A 2-73, despite a good safety profile and several strong indicators of efficacy, is a crap shoot for approval for a disease affecting millions of European citizens, resulting in a prolonged, painful, and costly path towards early death. I think that given this need, it is appropriate to use the general 10 year EMA positive opinion statistics of 82% upon starting an MAA, and 95% for completed MAA applications.

My research on rapamycin is showing benefit on slowing or stopping the progression towards Alzheimer's (and other age associated disease), by stopping or greatly slowing the degradation of the blood-brain barrier, thus preventing the cascade of events through demyelination that lead to amyloid plaques and tau tangles. My expectation is that A 2-73 works in a similar manner, but is a more tailored molecule to the task. The similar docking site and at least some similar therapeutic effects are my supporting argument. It may be worth your while to check out the links I had posted relative to this, particularly if you are an APOE4 carrier.