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03/01/24 4:10 AM

#453060 RE: Steady_T #453057

There aren't anymore videos because the TV station that made that video didn't do any more follow up stories on 2-73.

I think it goes a little deeper than that. TV stations are just one of many sources of these anecdotal videos. Blinded trials exist for a reason. About a year ago, Joe Springer did a handful of You Tube videos involving a few patients with physicians (reporting only second hand information) and family members (personal observation stories) claiming favorable patient experiences in AD treatment using SAVA's Simufilam. I believe Joe has reached out more recently for Simufilam patient stories but has come up empty, which does not surprise me even though there are now over 500 patients now who have completed the two Phase III programs and are now enrolled in ongoing open label studies. In any event, I've always thought these type videos tend to walk a thin ethics and patient privacy line. Most physicians would not want to be involved in testimonials of this type and I would bet trial sponsors would really frown on this type of anecdotal information that could involve one-off situations that mean absolutely nothing viewed from a statistical viewpoint and certainly are far from predictive as relates to a large patient population. I think they do a disservice to the patient community although stock investors in the affected companies salivate over them with $ signs in their eyes, which explains certain posters' behaviors. I would not be surprised if these trials involve non-disclosure agreements (especially for the physicians involved) but I am not certain that this applies to patient family members. I'm generally not in favor of this type of anecdotal disclosures like this. Folks that read this forum are constantly bombarded by these AVXL six year old videos for what I believe are for nefarious purposes.


03/01/24 10:24 AM

#453069 RE: Steady_T #453057

Who contacted the TV station to do a follow up?
TV station declined as your phrasing implied or the patient (ERN?)?
Is ERN still alive?