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02/27/24 10:34 PM

#3571 RE: stoneroad #3570

You're not wrong in a sense but a simple calculation belies the difficulty of raising money in a high interest rate and cost of construction environment. I've mentioned ORGN before but that company is the poster child for how capital needs can fail offtake. They have/had more than $9 billion in offtake agreements but the stock is trading around $95 million because they can't meet capital needs for their initial large plant construction.

Marc needs $147 million to make the first RNG facility at Belleville, and presumably fertilizer production, happen. The plan has been to do that stepwise with $35 million in raises, $30 million from Green Bonds, and hopefully leverage that progress to raise the $117 needed for Belleville RNG, maybe through a strategic financing. As Horsin implied, the first tranche will grease the wheels to get the train rolling down the track.

If full funding does materialize, the stock is extremely cheap. But it's all about how you handicap the chances of the plan unfolding optimally, which is no different from most tiny, essentially pre-revenue companies.