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Time is running out to sell the combined Hamilton property.
No takers yet, it's still on the market and if it doesn't sell by the end of the week, the contractor that Susglobal owes $2.2 million to will likely start proceedings to take possession of the property with the building on it. Also, if Hamilton doesn't sell by Friday, Susglobal will be overdue for the $142k they owe to the City of Belleville for environmental cleanup costs.
man. this is definitely one of those stocks you dont even have to bash. It bashes ITSELF
Read the 10Q.
They have more than $9 million in mortgages, all but one is overdue and that one will be overdue on Dec 15 because there's no way they'll be able to pay it. Plus there are millions of dollars in lawsuit judgements against them. So the company's toast unless they can find a sucker to seriously overpay for the rundown Hamilton property they have on the market. If they don't sell that by February they'll probably lose it and Belleville and the company should be officially toast. Stock could still go up because sometimes traders like bankruptcy plays but I wouldn't bet on it.
i ask again! is SNRG toast now?
Thanks. Had not seen that.
so does that mean this stock is toast? tia
Susglobal filed an 8k on Friday that included an email from Bruce to the Board tendering his resignation effective the date in September that the vote to oust him happened. He still claims that Marc's move was not legal but essentially says screw it, I've had enough of this circus.
Pretty sure there are questions surrounding whether Bruce’s removal from the BOD actually conformed with Corporate Bylaws. You’ll notice Bruce still lists himself as a member of the BOD on his LinkedIn page.
Daaaaaaamn! I almost bought this POS today. Oh well
We've discussed it because it's been an ongoing saga.
Marc's reasons for dumping Bruce were shady and he was able to assemble a cabal of votes that allowed him to vote Bruce out without calling a shareholders' meeting, which was also shady. Bruce fought back but I guess he had enough and realized there probably wasn't much left to salvage, so now he's moved on. Too bad because he was the competent one among management although his expertise is in operations not finances. My guess is still that Marc went after Bruce because Bruce wanted a new CEO and that's why Marc pushed so hard to get him out.
Now Marc is undisputed king again, which can't be good for shareholders. He'll probably continue to take what little he can from the company then eventually leave whatever's left to creditors like he did with his last company, Silver Dragon Resources.
is Bruce getting his butt booted a good or a bad thing yawl?
NOBODY here has ANYTHING to say about Bruce just getting his ass kicked out of the company?
lol. ok THIS is going to .000s. sad
The reality of the situation is that both Hamilton properties are up for sale and if those don't sell within a certain time frame or don't sell for enough, Belleville could be lost too because it's been pledged as security for $5.3 million in overdue mortgages. I'm far from an expert in dealing with creditors but I know this can only be dragged out for so long before the walls cave in. Maybe the Hamilton properties will be sold for $15 million tomorrow (I really doubt that will happen but it could) and the company will have something of a chance but bills and lawsuits have piled up over and over and they all eventually have to be dealt with.
Never said it was good for SNRG however its a similar business model which shows that another company is willing to pay BIG MONEY for a new facility. Its nice to see a high valued comparable in the same sector as SNRG so take that for what its worth. Yes SNRG is riddled with debt and they are currently inoperable due to issues earlier this year however they still have assets including properties and licenses that are worth something. Although the outlook is very week judging by the stock performance from this past year you don't hear me complaining or whining about making a bad investment. I too am upside down on my position however I haven't given up or lost all hope. I'm still hanging around you just don't see me posting often or bashing the company. I have more productive things to do with my time.
So? How is that good for snrg
Well now we know why Bruce couldn't get anywhere with Veolia, they just opened a $169 Million dollar facility in Montreal that can process 50,000 tonnes of yard waste and food scraps a year and will produce up to 20,000 tonnes of high-grade compost each year.
Link to article
so whens the big BS new news P and D going to come? eta?
Not sure why I waited, but just read latest 10Q. Company is toast.
SNRG right from 10Q Convertible promissory notes (note 11)-in default 11,643,185 10,519,824
Total Current Liabilities 33,164,982 30,823,963
Anew was created by a merger between Bluesource and another company so they inherited the contract Susglobal has with Bluesource for Belleville credits:
Would help if Belleville was actually operational but at least Marc got to put out a press release a few weeks ago announcing maybe $60,000 (my guess) worth of residual credit sales.
Anyone know how Anew Climate LLC is related to SNRG?
you still like SNRG after ALL the sh.t that has transpired?
whoops guess not
It seems extremely likely to me that Bruce wants Marc out and Bruce seemingly questioning whether there was something shady or not with regards to debt Susglobal started taking out a year ago makes it appear that he may have a way to give Marc the boot. Or at least that he thinks so. And I guess he sees something salvageable in the company if Marc were gone.
If he wanted more ammo against Marc, he could start with the way Marc has consistently provided non-public info to shareholders over the years and failed until Q1 of this year to disclose legal actions against the company in filings. Marc got slapped by OTC Markets at one point but IMO he's lucky that he's never drawn the scrutiny of the SEC.
Not surprised at all except for the fact he wants to remain on the BOD.
We hear from Bruce.
The 8k filed 10/3 has now been updated with a letter from Bruce (and his attorneys). The letter demands that it be filed with an amended 8k so Marc had no choice but to make it public.
Bruce says:
The secret shareholders meeting that was used to oust him was not legal under the section of Delaware law Marc stated in the 8k and that it did not comply with the company's bylaws due to technicalities about signatures and dates signed.
That he was never asked by Marc or the Board to facilitate a hook up with Veolia but he did it anyway and Veolia and "one of its international partners determined SusGlobal was not a suitable development partner".
He wasn't the only Board member who didn't chip in cash to help pay for the costs around filings but was singled out for not doing so.
He also questions the sources of debt financings Marc came up with from Q4 last year through Q2 this year and what the money was used for. Not sure if that refers to loans from Marc's company Traveller's International or mortgages but it sounds like it could be serious. Bruce says that information about these debt financings was not provided to the Board when requested.
So Bruce is not taking this lying down.
His letter is linked at the bottom of this filing:
Agree wholeheartedly. Normally, I’d be thrilled to see a CEO and majority shareholder drop $120k for more shares. Not so much here given the track record.
You probably saw that Marc bought $120k worth of shares in a recent placement, which seems to have been to help pay the accountant bills for the 10K and 10Q.
So the plan now is to hopefully sell the Hamilton properties for at least the $9 million in mortgages owed, which seems to me could be possible but I wouldn't be surprised if it sold for a little less given the purchase price of the 2nd lot last year, the price per acre of other empty land in the area and the fact that the building is just a shell with some missing sides. Plus there's at least $8 million in pressing current debt listed in the 10Q in addition to the mortgages.
They could raise the authorized share amount to allow for more dilution with no problem given that Marc controls a majority of the shares so no shareholders' meeting and vote is needed but who is going to buy millions of dollars worth of shares considering the company's track record and of course Marc hates dilution, probably even more now that he owns around 20% of shares out.
Now he's left with just Belleville and will still need tens of millions of dollars to finance an RNG facility there. I'm sure he's got some kind of scheme but we've seen how successfully his schemes have worked out in the past.
Never mind. Found it. Truly disappointing
Where did you see this? Thanks!
Marc has truly outdone himself.
Using a secret meeting to oust Bruce from the Board because Bruce wasn't able to secure his former employer Veolia as a partner and because Bruce didn't want to put any of his own money into the sinking Susglobal ship, probably not unless Marc was replaced.
Notice that the 10K states, "the Board had the impression that Mr. Rintoul would help facilitate a possible transaction", not that he guaranteed a Veolia partnership and who could guarantee that their former employer would absolutely come through with an investment anyway, especially when it's a huge company like Veolia.
Seems to me that this reliance on an "impression" of a "possible" transaction could open the company up to another lawsuit if Bruce wanted to join the parade of court cases.
Susglobal was languishing until Bruce came on board with the only true ray of promise in the last couple of years being the $138 million offtake agreement that Bruce undoubtedly played a huge part in securing. Marc was not even pursuing RNG until after Bruce showed up.
I suspect that Bruce wanted a change at the top and that's why he really got the boot.
I can't believe Marc found enough shares to back him and allow for the secret meeting given the sorry state of the company and just the fact that he felt like he had to do it in secrecy says a lot to me. This is another slap in the face to shareholders that have already been abused much, much more than enough.
Here's the listing. It's both properties combined and is listed without a price in hopes of it sellling for the $14 million Colliers appraisal value last year but that appraisal was for the fancy renovations being complete. You can see how little renovation was actually done yet Marc somehow wound up owing the contractor $2.1 million USD that's now due Feb 1 after the lawsuit brought by the contractor was settled. He had to offer the contractor extra to get the construction lien removed because otherwise a buyer wouldn't be able to do any work on the building but if he misses the Feb deadline and the building isn't sold by then, the construction company could wind up with it.
It's hideous.
$33 million in debt. Less than $8,000 cash. No current operations. Belleville equipment repossessed for non-payment of the lease. Both Hamilton properties have been listed for sale.
Anyone read quarterly report yet. Im afraid to look
He knew exactly what he was doing.
I think shareholders would have a very strong case for a lawsuit at least against the company considering the times he stretched the truth and his tendency to make promises through emails or on the phone with individual investors, probably in violation of SEC regulations. The problem is that the company has nothing left of worth. Not sure if he could be held personally liable but he did seem to be very cavalier in his dealing with investors behind the scenes.
So many crickets.
Sure looks like Marc screwed all his shareholders while collecting 40k monthly in salary.
Certainly hard to understand
Can't file on time with zero revenues. Joke
Marc did file his NT 10Q today stating that he'll need more time to get the 10Q completed but it was a couple of days late.
He missed the deadline for filing the 10Q, which is not unusual, but what is unusual is that he also missed the deadline for filing the NT 10Q required when a 10Q is late. So the disappearing act may be happening before our eyes. We'll see if anything happens this week but not filing an NT 10Q on time is serious.