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02/26/24 3:35 PM

#452794 RE: nidan7500 #452792

NIDAN I'm convince with both Missling at Cowen and Sabbagh at Lisbon we get news.

We need a European partner to put into the NDA docs. So that puts Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi, and a few more on notice. If you want the US you have to take Europe. Especially if you are based there.

I'm sure Ma has got feelers in the far east which might include Oz.

The big guys are gonna want Fritz out if it's the whole enchilada.


02/26/24 3:57 PM

#452799 RE: nidan7500 #452792

You’ve been here a long time and you still haven’t figured it out?

Let’s go through the list:

-Incompetent, first-time CEO with checked employment history and zero credibility among institutional biotech investors,
-Complacent, compliant board of directors,
-Company funded through vulture investor,
-Cherry picked data,
-Changing endpoints to make data look better,
-Goal post moving,
-Burying data for years on end,
-Missed timelines 100% of the time,
-Horrible communications that leave investors with more questions than answers,
-No pharma partnerships,
-Past stock promotion schemes,
-Current threat of class action lawsuits.

I’m sure I missed a few.

What is NOT going on:

-Manipulation by WS, FDA, pharma cabal to take shares lower so insty buddies can buy cheaper.


Good licks and DOG bless,