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02/26/24 11:39 AM

#39072 RE: Valuetrader #39071

Tre Kronor growing which is nice. This will open up more future clients and opportunities.


03/06/24 9:23 PM

#39075 RE: Valuetrader #39071

They are in the media MEDIA in communication. They're all over the media, constantly communicating. Yet, they refuse to release this news or any updates to assist stakeholders and keep shareholders informed. What's wrong with these numbnuts?


03/06/24 9:38 PM

#39077 RE: Valuetrader #39071

I have devoted my time, money, and energy to supporting this company for the past 7 years. I bet at some point these old management will sell the business, and yet they sold the damn business but retained all of the old management to run the show. Guess what? It doesn't get any better. They now no longer issue shareholder updates, news, nothing at all. The PPS is a joke. Super Undervalued, but who cares? What good is it if nobody out there knows about the company? I see they are slowly bleeding us to acquire all the remaining outstanding shares. That is exactly their intention, and we can't do anything about it.
I see many longs are still here, feeling their is what it is.