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02/24/24 8:39 PM

#20027 RE: JoeForkeyBolo #20026

Is the fake Todos Laughing Stock Analyst still around?

Yup audio recordings of the Congratulation party which will be turned over. In all the conference calls I've been on including the 2 the faker was on, I've never seen anyone else try to pretend to be a stock analyst.

He's a known stock pumper still to this day.

Here's the transcript which is available online 24x365. I'll dig up the other one.


02/25/24 8:41 AM

#20029 RE: JoeForkeyBolo #20026

hey JoeytheForksBolo wud dup...?

what brings you here clowney - with your fake IP addy's, multiple email accounts and burner phones

lookie right here - this says it all - in your own reddit words - how utterly "stoopid" can one get - lolzzz loser...!

oh and you didn't provide proof as requested - just more spin, diffusion and false narratives

typical JoeyForkitBolo - shill tout and dolt - you been exposed brah...!

MOO imbecile


02/25/24 9:50 AM

#20031 RE: JoeForkeyBolo #20026

What is funny is the Stock Analyst, that trolls GC and GC's calls 'forgot' he was on 'multiple' company conference calls. So much for blaming the operator or the company that was supporting the callers and GC for 'a' mistake.

Someone said the Fake Stock Analyst was going to demand they take down the transcript. How did that work out. The company that put the transcript together stands behind it and their employees it seems.

What hasn't been discussed and I hate to share part of the case, but...

If someone isn't a Stock Analyst or pretending to be a Stock Analyst, when they ask for a company name EVERYONE knows you say 'private investor' or something like that.

Nooooooooooooooo, the Stock Analyst doesn't say that. He said he's from JWP Incorporated.

Was the Stock Analyst from JWP Inc.?

Hell no.

JWP Inc is a billion dollar company with 220 offices worldwide. Pretending he was from JWP Inc more like it.

The Fake Stock Analyst company name isn't JWP Inc. JWP Inc. was launched in 1966. Watch the Fake Stock Analyst come up with another cock and bull story about how 'they' got it wrong.

BTW: The Fake Stock Analyst doesn't have one email address. He had a bunch of email address going way back including AOL LOLOLOL

Total scammer which is why I have him on ignore.


03/02/24 12:39 PM

#20120 RE: JoeForkeyBolo #20026

hey Joey babe - here's what real BULLSHIT looks like sporto

need to get your head outta your butt - and get your facts in order palz

all else from you is - well - you know - just like your Reddit post says above brah:

TOMDF printing $0.0001 - heading to $0.00009

MOO stoopido'