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02/22/24 12:31 PM

#723616 RE: Boris the Spider #723610

Also do consider a total stock market index fund like VTSAX
Expense ratio is like 0.04%
Most years have double digit returns

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02/22/24 12:47 PM

#723617 RE: Boris the Spider #723610

Boris....I hate to tell you this but, YOU ARE GETTING SQUAT!!!!!!!! the documents... where does it say WMIH has to give you money???????????????...I always suspected it, but now, with this unhinged post, you need to see a head doctor quick... there is NO OBLIGATION FOR ANYONE, ESPECIALLY WMIH TO PAY YOU.... where is the authentications for your inane post that there is even money left over from the chapter 11, when WMIH declared the chapter 11 closed and all claims were paid??????? WHERE IS THE MONEY BORIS??????.....FIND THE MONEY FIRST THEN TALK ABOUT RECOVERY. Lodas
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02/22/24 1:16 PM

#723618 RE: Boris the Spider #723610

All done! Multiple LLCS's out of State.

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02/22/24 1:28 PM

#723619 RE: Boris the Spider #723610

You are making Very Bullish statements indeed...Unfortunately, All these expectations is the Past Have Only "Flattered to Deceive"...Not saying you are at Fault or anything BUT always we have had our Musings about these "Settlement Recoveries" that somehow/someway would have been related to WaMu IF the Affairs of this World Were following the "Rules/Laws" as they are written....However, due to this incessant "Corruption" with "All Things WaMu", any "Recoveries' that seem to have occurred have always seem to have 'Not Materialized/Disappeared' into the coffers of the Hedge Funds OR JPMC/FDIC 'combine' and Zilch towards any "F&R Promised" for Escrow-holders...The Hedgies seem to have found a 'perfect way' to 'siphon-off' ALL and any such recoveries(IF there were) for themselves! Looks like they somehow 'wrote that' into the 'Redacted' Settlement Agreements and other filings OR they are just 'siphoning off' the "BK-Remote" assets (IF any such exist).......AND NO, I don't believe in the Nonsense that the Hedgies/Bonderman are Fine to NOT have their Recoveries for these 15 years or the Next 30-years because they feel that EVEN IF THEY DIE, their recoveries will pass on to their Heirs!
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02/22/24 1:49 PM

#723620 RE: Boris the Spider #723610


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02/22/24 1:56 PM

#723621 RE: Boris the Spider #723610

Appreciate your to-do list for Pre-Arrangement of potential increase of financial affairs. I like your preventative problem thinking!

Question: The establishment of an LLC vs. Sole Proprietorship toward financial securities... your thoughts are appreciated.

*Already have similar model safe bolted down in the Garage for weapons/ammo and other precious metals...
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02/22/24 1:59 PM

#723622 RE: Boris the Spider #723610

Set up an LLC and employ your children so they can be compensated under that umbrella! Work the system and deploy survival options if desired.
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02/22/24 2:31 PM

#723623 RE: Boris the Spider #723610

If you are preparing for a financial crisis, or war, or something major, you might want to also buy a ranch or farm and grow your own food.. or stock a pond with fish..
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02/22/24 2:32 PM

#723624 RE: Boris the Spider #723610

What if you get hit by a truck tommorrow and die? Asking for a friend
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02/22/24 2:47 PM

#723628 RE: Boris the Spider #723610

LIBOR settlement is near. Start getting your affairs in order just in case of a payout because it could happen when you least expect it.

This is my order:
Since my funds will go into an IRA, immediately I will transfer enough money into my checking account to pay off all debts on day one. Boom, gone!
Then I will line up a financial counselor and Tax advisor asap. I am already starting to look into that.
If the money is substantial which looks likely, it would be good to have an LLC with an obscure name, not your own. Do it now. It's very easy to set up with your state. Then any properties you buy etc can be in the name of your LLC, or trust as well.
In the future the government could take our bank assets, so I'd get a big Liberty safe, bolt it to your floor in the house and load it up with gold and silver. Ammo too. Start hoarding cash. You can only draw out less than $10K at a time or it gets reported by your bank.
Buy hard assets! Houses, vehicles, etc. The gov can take our bank accounts someday but hard assets would be difficult for them to get at.
Have one person you can trust 100% with your life and give them access to what you are doing. Make sure you can trust them because they could wipe you out! Money changes people. Get your beneficiaries in order. Have a list of your accounts and important numbers and passwords etc. Make sure this is available to your trusted person especially when you travel in case something happens to you. While we all think we will live to 100, we just never know....
Take care and be very careful. Make these decisions carefully. Let's hope we get some money and have to deal with these things! Read books like "sudden money".
Never tell anyone of your new found wealth except close family and your trusted person. People will be tripping over your sidewalk trying to get at your money!