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02/05/24 2:43 PM

#722901 RE: wowalters #722897

I don't care what he says. When I can spend his failure, then I'll care about it.

Until then... His failed thoughts, are simply that...failed thoughts. As is evidenced by the current reality, some decade and a half later.

Wamu failed. It's gone. Escrows didn't payout hundreds of billions. They're also gone. Deemed worthless, with no further distribution, and deleted.

Poor Dr A failed, just like WAMU. He will probably leave that out of his resume. LOL!


02/05/24 3:32 PM

#722908 RE: wowalters #722897

So far Dr A…is wrong…..there were many who wrote theories on how old equity could have been paid out but there were lawyers, hedge funds and a judge who were not going to let that happen and so far no money distributed to escrows…