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02/04/24 7:51 PM

#450759 RE: Talon38 #450754

I think that 9 years of the “conspiracy thesis” for why the stock is underperforming is absurd.

If we truly have had success with any of the trials you mentioned, isn’t it time to present it clearly and concisely? I’m referring to the PDD & ALZ trials. Rett is another story, since the company has already stated that some of the endpoints were not met.

At the end of the day, the biggest asset any company has is its credibility. It is time for DM to assert this with the investment community.
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02/04/24 8:02 PM

#450761 RE: Talon38 #450754

For those who don't know by now... it's not a true "market" we're dealing with, especially in biotech. It's run by a collusive network that includes HFs & MMs who collectively manage the price. For their smokescreen, they employ the services of so-called "journalists" (like AF) to produce fake news about certain targeted biotechs... along with the efforts of dozens of hired social-media FUDsters to troll msg brds and spew negative nonsense. I think everyone has seen the list.
Many investors and observers have their suspicions and beliefs that these HFs/MMs also have their hands in BP's pocket. It certainly benefits BP if promising companies can be bought at the cheap... saving them a few $billion.

Refer to Xena's post about an analyst's perspective with NWBO... It's not just unique to AVXL.

First, the tactics are well known; use loose associations with mobster like Hedge Funds, who’s CEOs, Board Members, etc. are insider 1%’ers. Hire FUDsters on social media and sites like this to create confusion amongst the ranks, manipulating the emotions of retail investors before the Funds arrive to keep the price low and make sentiment among the public skeptical and on guard. The use of insiders in government by Pharma with incentives to keep status quo in place is well documented. It doesn’t even have to be overt, simply keep the public’s eye on something other than the reality.

The Pharma industry has benefited from taxpayer funded scientific research since Penicillin was discovered. And if they don’t get what they want from emerging new players in the space they go to the mob tactic; intimidate, drop the share price to force shitty deals with predatory lenders, then keep the narrative on what bad actors the company are for having by done so.

The tactic will be the same; throw doubt on the trial results relentlessly. They’ll say that using an outside comparator is not the “gold standard” and find top scientists to say the same for a price. They’ll question things that other scientists and people who understand science take for granted as normal, and try to keep the price down to avoid NWBO uplisting to bring on substantial larger Fund investment. They’ll question the change in the SAP and want to know why the PFS was abandoned using confusing language to the commoner that the scientists will have to address again and again and again to prevent the public from their inherent doubts fostered over the past 10 years by social media. They’ll take up the same narrative exwannabe, learningcurve, and others have recently used to imply Advent will profit while NWBO holds the bag, that NWBO is nothing but a shell company that used a ruse of curing cancer to fleece naive retail investors, etc.

The fact is the company has the upper hand now. One should understand this by their quietness; strong hands don’t need to talk. That’s all anyone needs to know. To think anything other than this shows inexperience with success

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02/04/24 8:22 PM

#450765 RE: Talon38 #450754

My thought is that this is actually very simple: We have an incompetent, autocratic, first-time CEO who has enriched himself while wasting 10 years and millions of shareholder dollars to the detriment of Company credibility and shareholder value.

DOG bless,
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02/05/24 12:22 PM

#450837 RE: Talon38 #450754

Without a doubt, FDA and big pharma collusion is our main issue. They are still trying to run the vaccine plandemic scam against disease X.