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02/01/24 12:00 PM

#669238 RE: hyperopia #669229

hyperopia - Should be interesting to see how the dynamics change in the event that the case moves to discovery.

Doc logic

02/01/24 1:27 PM

#669266 RE: hyperopia #669229


Retail interest has been tamped down because of past bear raids so the interim news cycles mean very little to current longs and new investors because they can all see the lack of sustained buying afterwards and drop in price that you show clearly in your post and which biosectinvestor believes is likely to continue even after approval if there are no strong counter measures able to be put in place. The approval process is also hurting investors because no clear plan forward has been reiterated. Linda is on record as saying that NWBO would manage GBM but that was quite some time ago. With ongoing dilution, fear of bear raids, longs in up to the gills, no trust by those burned in the past that potential shortened time lines to expectation of approval are real and of course the extra manipulation to press downward price movement faster than actual dilution have all eroded confidence about timing when a gain will be locked in with a purchase of shares. Waterboarding the long term uptrend baseline is the method used currently to intensify this uncertainty for potential buyers.
Bottom line is that manipulation is made easier by uncertainty, known need for additional dilution and any extended time without the right kind of news which makes quiet periods easy targets even when good news is eventually expected. The lawsuit developments may allow a significant countermeasure to be put in place and we know partnership news would do this as well. Best wishes.