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01/26/24 1:37 PM

#667416 RE: Doc logic #666717


There are a lot of significant implications to DCVax gaining approval, whether it be here in the US, or the UK. The fact that there are so many neagtive posters here, that feel the need to post day after day, week after week, and month after months, and in some cases, year after year, is super bullish. If NWBO was no threat to anyone, whether it be Big Pharma or Hedge Funds, they wouldn't even be here. They would simply let NW go CH11 or let the drug fail. These posters obviously have some sort of motive behind their incessant negative postings. Anyone with any sort of brain should know this and see it for themselves. If this baord will filled will all bullish posters, then I would be worried.

Personally I think DCVax will be approved and will eventually become SOC for GBM to the dislike and possible destruction of people with motives that do not reflect the best interests of GBM patients and family's. I place a 99% approval chance on DCVax. But one thing I also believe is to be grounded in reality. Lets take a look at the facts:

1)NW is 3-4 years away from a MC above $30B. More trials, huge money and time will be needed to PROVE so of the "other" stuff talked about on this board. None of this should be on anyone's radar at this point. Why? Because of the FACTS mentioned above. No other trials have been planned or started outside of GBM.
2)NW is not posturing like a Co. who wants to expand or even thinking about it. You simply cannot have the kind of DCVax market expansion without creating and EXPANDING the Corporate foot-print, big time. Some investors here have stated that NW will be HUGE in terms of Company and related MC. If they had this intent, they would be hiring and expanding. Not remaining streamlined and slim, which is preferred in any acquisition situation. I think CEO Powers knows this. There is a reason why Biogen has 8000+ employees, and even a mid-size Biotech like Exelixis, has over 700 employees. These FACTS should tell you everything a investor would need to know on what NWs' next steps are. But yet we still have people throwing around absurd market-cap prices and how NW will expand beyond anything thought possible. This is complete BS
3) Big Pharma are no longer innovators, medical innovation happens at these smaller Companys. BP are just the investors and also have experience and influence to get these drugs to their full market potential. Anyone with any sort of financial stake and/or who want to help GBM patients gain access, should be rooting for a take-over. It would be in the best interests of everyone. NW has stumbled and bumbled through this process, but they did finally get it to this point. They do deserve credit. But to get this to where it needs to be? They need a BP to get it there. Dont worry though, you can still own shares of the Company who acquires NW once it happens. That I am damn near 100% sure of....NW will be acquired, and no, it wont be for $50+B.

Have a good weekend.