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01/17/24 3:04 PM

#458684 RE: brooklyn13 #458679

brooklyn13, Got a link to give the quote some context? You do know the board policy re links.
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01/17/24 4:42 PM

#458695 RE: brooklyn13 #458679

Cabinet Minister Amihay Eliyahu ... Asked in a radio interview about a hypothetical nuclear option, replied: "That's one way."

Well, there you go. Nuke 'em it is.

Or just deport them all to .... somewhere.

Israel’s far-right wants to move Palestinians out of Gaza. Its ideas are gaining attention

“We are here adding light after the black sabbath that the people of Israel had,” one of the men says in the video, circulating on Telegram. “We are occupying, deporting, and settling. Occupying, deporting, and settling. Did you hear that Bibi? Occupying, deporting, and settling.”

A photograph shows soldiers posing with an orange banner that reads: “Only settlement would be considered victory!” The color orange was used by the settler movement in 2004 and 2005 to protest Israel’s disengagement from Gaza.

You're perfectly justified in murdering all of them and stealing their homes. Cuz some radical in 1977 said he doesn't approve of you or believe in anything.

Here's all the land where they didn't live.

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01/17/24 4:46 PM

#458696 RE: brooklyn13 #458679

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (left) and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir (right) have advocated for the mass relocation of Palestinians outside of Gaza to make way for Israeli settlers, restoking fears of a Palestinian exodus.
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01/17/24 5:02 PM

#458697 RE: brooklyn13 #458679

Gideon Levy - Israel never intended a two state solution.

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01/17/24 10:03 PM

#458716 RE: brooklyn13 #458679

brooklyn13, Had this then, but mistakenly thought you might make the effort so didn't give it to you in my first
reply .. .. seven hours ago.

"In a revealing 1977 interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw, PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein stated:
“The Palestinian people does not exist.

Suppose even if you had seen it you might not have given it to us because of it's burp on your agenda:

Political views

Mohsen essentially followed the line of as-Sa'iqa's Syrian Ba'athist ideology, which interpreted the Palestinian question through a perspective of pan-Arab nationalism. In some respects this contravened the PLO charter, which affirmed the existence of a future Palestinian State.

Mohsen himself stated that "The Palestinian people does not exist … there is no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese", though Palestinian identity would be emphasised for political reasons. In a March 1977 interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw he stated that "between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. We are all part of one people, the Arab nation [...] Just for political reasons we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity. Because it is of national interest for the Arabs to advocate the existence of Palestinians to balance Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons", representing the Ba'athist perspective regarding the question of Palestine.[5][6][7][8]

Journalist Robert Fisk claimed that As-Saiqa, under Mohsen, employed its energies against the PLO[9] stating that in June 1976 he saw "the PLO in open combat within West Beirut against As-Saiqa, who had attacked Arafat's forces on orders from Damascus."[10]

Anyway there is a reminder for you the PLO had always been working for a Palestinian state. Just Israel's leaders , in the main, from
the beginning had decided that any form of a two-state solution in the area would never be in their 'river to the sea' Zionist interest.

To complement sortagreen's replies to yours:

Haaretz- Explained | What’s Homesh? The Illegal West Bank Outpost Causing a Diplomatic Storm
Related: For first time, settler becomes chief of staff of Israel’s military
In the years since the 2005 disengagement from the Gaza Strip and the four West Bank settlements, Homesh has become a symbol for settlers seeking a return to the evacuated sites.
P - As recently as April, lawmakers led by far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich .. .. visited the yeshiva to celebrate Independence Day, while other political rallies have taken place at the settlement’s hilltop.
P - The settlers decry the Supreme Court’s refusal to intervene against the 2005 evacuations, a pillar of the settler movement’s vendetta against the court.
P - After the 2021 attack .. .. by Palestinian gunmen that killed yeshiva student Yehuda Dimentman, then-Defense Minister Benny Gantz – now an opposition leader – eschewed further evacuations in a concession to the settlers.
P - The Supreme Court has since ordered the state to evacuate the yeshiva, but in March the new government amended the Disengagement Law, paving the way for the reestablishment of the four settlements evacuated in 2005.
P - The move at Homesh is the latest blow to the vision of a viable, independent Palestinian state alongside Israel, and could lead to further restrictions on Palestinians in the area.
The relocation of the yeshiva to state-owned land actually places it closer to Palestinian villages, risking greater friction between the two sides and making it less likely that the Palestinians will be able to exercise their rights and gain access to their lands. The victory could also embolden the settlers to stage larger events that could erode these rights even further.
P - “Moving the yeshiva is adding sin to crime,” said Yesh Din, an Israeli rights group representing the Palestinian landowners. “Its new location still doesn’t allow Palestinians to reach their land and continues their dispossession. Instead of evacuating the outpost immediately, Israel is rewarding serious criminals.”

That's one for Smotrich, now Gvir:

The controversial phrase “from the river to sea,” explained

A youthful Ben Gvir shows off a Cadillac hood ornament he claimed to have taken from Yitzhak Rabin's car shortly before the Israeli peacemaker was assassinated. Convicted of terrorism charges, Ben Gvir is today Israel's minister of national security. (Screengrab YouTube)
P - Just two weeks before Rabin's assassination, a young settler extremist posed for the cameras with a Cadillac hood ornament he said he had stolen from Rabin's car. "Just like we got to this emblem," he said, "we could get to Rabin."
P - Today, that young man, Itamar Ben Gvir, is 45 years old and has eight Israeli criminal convictions — including convictions for supporting a terrorist organization and incitement to racism. Once he was rejected by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for his extremist views. Now, Israel's police must answer to him .. .. as Benjamin Netanyahu's minister of national security.

Historians, experts, and activists who use and study it say iterations of the phrase have had many meanings over the course of the Palestinian national struggle. Some of those sources said that in the context most people at ceasefire rallies are using it today, it likely indicates a desire for Palestinian liberation and dignity — as well as a vision for the future in which Palestinians have equal rights in their homeland. But to many Jewish people, it’s a mortal threat to the continued existence of Israel as a Jewish state.