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01/10/24 11:05 AM

#662992 RE: hyperopia #662989

In other words, no one knows for certain. I could have saved you a whole lot of typing
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01/10/24 11:10 AM

#662993 RE: hyperopia #662989

Great post, thanks for laying it out.

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01/10/24 11:12 AM

#662995 RE: hyperopia #662989

Great post

PS : it clearly mentions there is a time frame for validation which according to Senti and some others is same as submission receipt and happens as soon as application is submitted , which they keep insisting on with no factual basis
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01/10/24 11:12 AM

#662996 RE: hyperopia #662989

"24 months"

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01/10/24 12:34 PM

#663023 RE: hyperopia #662989

Thank you for sharing a well researched opinion.
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01/10/24 12:50 PM

#663031 RE: hyperopia #662989

Regarding a potential MHRA decision window; some dates to keep in mind:
(note: validation could add a couple of weeks, but the known submission date is used)

80 days from December 20th is Saturday March 9th
150 days from December 20th is Saturday May 18th (80-day first phase assessment + 70-day second phase)
210 days from December 20th is Wednesday July 17th (150 day assessments + 60 day clock off)

Since the marketing application was submitted before December 25th, it corresponds to a CHM meeting on March 21st or 22nd.

If any questions are raised during the first 80-day assessment phase and the CHM meeting, then a letter is sent to the applicant requesting further information. The applicant has 60 days (which can be extended) to respond, (assessment clock is off) and the responses are assessed during the second 70-day assessment phase, and discussed during the next CHM meeting, so these CHM meeting dates are also relevant:

25 and 26 April 2024
30 and 31 May 2024
27 and 28 June 2024
25 and 26 July 2024
29 and 30 August 2024
26 and 27 September 2024
24 and 25 October 2024
21 and 22 November 2024
19 and 20 December 2024

Some potential basic scenarios based on these dates (there are obviously many others):

The application receives the highest priority, (like Covid treatments) and the MHRA makes an approval decision before the full 80-day-assessment period is complete, so before March 9th.

The application receives high priority, and the MHRA approval decision is made soon after the 80-day assessment, and it’s determined that a CHM meeting is unnecessary, so shortly after March 9th.

The application receives high priority, and the MHRA has no questions during the initial 80-day assessment, or at the CHM meeting, and makes an approval decision following the CHM meeting on March 21st or 22nd, so approval decision is made the following week, March 25th to March 29th.

The application receives high priority, but the MHRA has questions, and promptly (within a week) sends a RFI after the CHM meeting, which Northwest Bio responds to immediately, and no discussion at a second CHM meeting is necessary, so approval decision is made in April.

The application receives high priority, but the MHRA has questions, and promptly (within a week) sends a RFI after the CHM meeting, which Northwest Bio responds to immediately, and the information is quickly considered by assessors and discussed at a second CHM meeting on April 25h or 26th, and approval decision is made in May. (within ~150 days from submittal)

The application receives high priority, but the MHRA has questions, and promptly (within a week) sends a RFI after the CHM meeting, which Northwest Bio responds to within 30 days, (end of April) so the information is considered by assessors and discussed at the next CHM meeting on May 30th or 31st, so approval decision is made in June.

The application receives high priority, but the MHRA has questions, and promptly (within a week) sends a RFI after the CHM meeting, which Northwest Bio responds to within 60 days, (end of May) and the information is considered by assessors and discussed at a CHM meeting on June27th or 28th, so approval decision is made in July. (within ~210 days from submittal)

The application receives high priority, but the MHRA has questions, and promptly (within a week) sends a RFI after the CHM meeting, which Northwest Bio responds to within 60 days, (end of May) and the information is considered by assessors and discussed at a CHM meeting on July 25th or 26th, so approval decision is made in August.

The application receives priority, but the MHRA has questions, and promptly (within a week) sends a RFI after the CHM meeting, which requires more than 60 days for Northwest Bio to respond, or assessors require more than 70 days to consider, and is discussed at a CHM meeting on August 29th or 30th, so approval decision is made in September.

The application receives priority, but the MHRA has questions, and promptly (within a week) sends a RFI after the CHM meeting, which requires more than 60 days for Northwest Bio to respond, or assessors require more than 70 days to consider, and is discussed at a CHM meeting on September 26th or 27th, so approval decision is made in October.

The application doesn’t receive priority, the MHRA has questions, and promptly (within a week) sends a RFI after the CHM meeting, which requires more than 60 days for Northwest Bio to respond, or assessors require more than 70 days to consider, and is discussed at a CHM meeting on October 24th or 25th, so approval decision is made in November.

The application doesn’t receive priority, the MHRA has questions, and promptly (within a week) sends a RFI after the CHM meeting, which requires more than 60 days for Northwest Bio to respond, or assessors require more than 70 days to consider, and is discussed at a CHM meeting on November 21st or 22nd, so approval decision is made in December.

So based on these general scenarios, which seem like the most probable?
I would draw a probability curve (normal distribution) with the high area in July and August, so scenarios G & H being the most likely in my opinion, with scenarios F & I, being a little less as likely, and E & J even less likely, etc.
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01/10/24 12:53 PM

#663033 RE: hyperopia #662989

Superb post hyperopia. While approval during the 3rd quarter
seems disappointingly far away, it may carry the advantage of allowing
more time for the validation of the EDEN automatic DCVax-L manufacturing
system, that is, if that system has not yet been validated and included
in the recent MAA.

While approval in the 1st or 2nd quarter would seem preferable to a 3rd quarter
approval, absence of the EDEN capacity would be somewhat disappointing IMHO.

Good lord, according to LP's December 30, 2022 ASM presentation,
the EDEN system had already undergone a lot of testing and that was
already more than a year ago. That system should be operable right now
or very soon IMHO.
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01/10/24 1:00 PM

#663037 RE: hyperopia #662989

Hyperopia, dont say that!!! Dstock, Newman and their cabal will call you stupid, intellectualy retarded for saying NWBO approval will more likely be July-Dec 2024. (Q3, maybe Q2).

Althought quite a few realistic people on this board 100% argree with you, these people will call you names, fudster, etc...

You need to say NWBO will receive MHRA approval this March at the latest.

(and then repeat every month when it doesnt happen)
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01/10/24 1:27 PM

#663047 RE: hyperopia #662989

The MHRA is a UK Government agency. IMO we cannot rule out the influence that Government can perhaps bring to the speed of approving certain drugs, in particluarly drugs for an urgent unmet need, rare orphan designated condition in the UK (gbm is exactly recognised as such)

With regards to having 'swift approval' the UK Health secretary clearly stated the Government's wishes in his spring 2023 budget statement:-

Spring Budget 2023 speech
Spring Budget 2023 speech as delivered by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.[color=red][/color]

"We are lucky with the MHRA to have one of the most respected drugs regulators in the world, indeed the very first to licence a Covid vaccine.

From 2024, they will move to a different model which will allow rapid, often near automatic sign-off for medicines and technologies already approved by trusted regulators in other parts of the world such as the United States, Europe or Japan.

At the same time from next year they will set up a[color=red] swift new approval process for the most cutting-edge medicines [/color]and devices to ensure the UK becomes a global centre for their development.

And with an extra £10m of funding over the next two years they will put in place the quickest, simplest, regulatory approval in the world for companies seeking rapid market access".,United%20States%2C%20Europe%20or%20Japan.