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01/07/24 2:48 PM

#446625 RE: frrol #446553

Would you like me to explain it to you?

Although data analysis is ongoing, the early conclusion is that the placebo rate could have been higher in the study due to a slight imbalance in disease severity at baseline, across the treatment arms, and the 2 to 1 drug to placebo randomization ratio. We intend to further assess the collective results and discuss with the regulatory authorities next steps.”

When looking at other placebo-controlled Rett syndrome trials, ANAVEX®2-73 compares favorably in terms of absolute RSBQ improvements, with the caveat that cross trials comparisons have their limitations.

We know the RSBQ improvement for trofinetide was -4.9, while blarcamesine yielded a -12.9 improvement.
In fact, the RS-003 placebo improvement of -8.3 beat trofinetide. That's absolutely amazing!
Are you getting this?