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01/02/24 10:03 AM

#325293 RE: User_347763 #325291

Probably looking at the previous distributor, Harmony Health, they started in 2016

New distributor is Swedish HealthCare.

"Fredrik Samuelsson, 7-time decathlon champion, is one of those who has experienced the benefits of Actipatch."

"Actipatch has proven to be a game changer for people suffering from rheumatism and other painful conditions. The product is both easy to use and portable, making it a perfect choice for people who want to continue living an active life without pain or limitations. Fredrik Samuelsson, a 7-time decathlon champion, is one of those who has experienced the benefits of this product."

"Fredrik has experienced how painful and difficult it can be to maintain an active lifestyle with rheumatism. However, thanks to Actipatch, he has been able to manage his pain in a better way and continue to compete at a high level."

Alice, 29, Trollhättan.
Due to scoliosis, I have been putting uneven strain and strain on my back for a long time, which has led to overload and inflammation. Actipatch has reduced the pain significantly and the inflammation has subsided, which has helped me with the training significantly!
Back pain causes a lot of problems that affect everyday life a lot, so it's super cool that Actipatch can make such a big difference!

Bo Wejfeldt, 59 from Ängelholm.
I've always been very active and done all kinds of training as often as I could, mostly swimming and cross-country skiing. In recent years, I have had problems with inflammation of the tendons in my shoulder joint. It's at its worst when I need to move my arms a lot, so it has affected me a lot when I've been training and I haven't been able to do it as much as I wanted.
I've tried all kinds of painkillers to relieve the pain but the Actipatch is actually the first thing that worked. Already after a few hours of use, I noticed that the pain was significantly milder and can now exercise actively without hindrance!
I don't need to use any other medication, I have the Actipatch on daily, except in the shower and pool of course.

Anna Hörnell, 47 years old, Frösön
Due to a riding accident, I have a vertebra that is pressed down and also a herniated disc on another vertebra. Because of the pain from the vertebrae, I have been taking painkillers daily for many years and also slept badly at night – I have only been able to lie on my left side. I've probably tried most things in pain relief but nothing that has helped me. I met Camilla who told me about ActiPatch and I thought "Why not?!"; So I tried one for back pain. To be honest, I didn't believe this contraption at all... Imagine my surprise when I already after an hour felt an improvement, coincidence I thought, it can't work. I went to bed and woke up on my stomach! I had slept all night! That's probably the biggest change, that I can sleep at night.
I've stopped taking painkillers daily, but I still need them sometimes. I can highly recommend trying ActiPatch – it has helped me a lot!

Janne Lindroth, 55 years old
My name is Janne and I'm 55 years old and very active, running, skiing, both downhill and crosswise, playing golf (hcp 6,8).
A year ago I got a lot of pain in my right shoulder and thought it would go away as usual. But no, it got worse and worse and finally I got my arm up max 90 degrees. Went to the doctor, found frozen shoulder, calcium shoulder, got medicine and was advised to take cortisone if it didn't help. The medicine didn't help and I didn't want to take a cortisone shot.
At that point, I heard about ActiPatch and of course I got curious and gave it a try.
Today, 4 weeks after I put the Actipatch on my shoulder, I can stretch out and up my arm as usual – unbelievable!!

Roland Björkman, PhD, Registered Nurse, B.A.
I am 65 years old and crashed my motorcycle on a patch of mud this summer. Then I got a right-sided shoulder injury that I initially ignored. Perceived the injury as a muscle and ligament strain/sprain that should heal after a few days/weeks. Unfortunately, the pain only got worse and I took a week's treatment with antiphlogistic (Voltaren). Then I got better and could sleep without having to turn over and "pile up" with extra pillows. But when I stopped the pill treatment, the problems that I tried to live with returned. The salvation came when I found out about the Actipatch at the Senior Fair and ordered a package. Within a few days I became pain-free, which was very surprising since I had had the problems for about 6 months. Since then I have been free of symptoms.

In the case of a later tennis arm (epicondylitis) with classic point-like pain over the muscle/tendon attachment of the elbow, I started treatment with AP. Even then, I was almost overnight free of the symptoms. Have not had any side effects/side effects of the treatment, which is outstanding with such an effective treatment. However, I have used "skin-friendly" adhesive to attach the AP instead of the enclosed patches that I found difficult to handle.