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12/27/23 9:32 PM

#721109 RE: Royal Dude #721108

there is only one legal document that made its way out of the court, and that was the court signed chapter 11 closing document... all other issues talked about then, and now, and in the future have no precedence., unless fraud can be found by parties to the agreement...RICO, Wilful misconduct, Project West,PAA, FDIC, Sheila, Jamie, Fishman, Killinger, all the stuff discussed over the years means NOTHING, except whats in the document... that is all that matters...what others agreed to on your behalf, Susman, Willingham, Folse, Justin Nelson, Dr A, all mean nothing now... its over and done.... if you got a problem with F/R, then get an attorney, file fraud charges against WMI (now dead and cremated), and reopen the advice to members expecting a return is to give it up, find a new venue in life to make money, or enjoy what you have made in the market, and forget about discussing documents not related to the actual chapter 11 document... read only what has been legal by the court, and forget foraging in the dumpster bins of historical insignificance...Lodas