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12/25/23 11:02 AM

#444053 RE: Steady_T #444029

Thalidomide was used on my second wife who had a very rare cancer. It stopped the blood supply to the tumors for 2 years, resulting in stopping the tumors growth, but it did not eliminate the cancer, The Doc tried her on a different promising medication that did not work and she eventually died after a 5 year fight. So in some cases Thalidomide is effective, it gave her an extra two years of life which was a blessing.

My first wife also died of cancer, she fought it for 4 years.

Two weeks ago my present wife has been diagnosed with CLL Leukemia. Fortunately it is a slow growth.

Merry Christmas my friends, hold your love ones close.


12/25/23 5:46 PM

#444088 RE: Steady_T #444029

The recent FDA approval of Big Pharma Biogen’s sponsored Leqembi is not the same as clever safe new uses for a drug famous for its catastrophic effect in a now un-prescribed for indication. It is the same as prescribing thalidomide to morning sick pregnant people, but only because the regulators are wholly in the thrall of big pharma.