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12/25/23 12:11 AM

#659000 RE: dstock07734 #658992

Thanks Dstock,

During a colonoscopy if they find polyps they remove them and biopsy them, as I understand it. I'm wondering if cancerous, could the polyps provide sufficient cancer to make DCVax-L which perhaps would help to prevent future cancerous polyps. The few people I've known that had more severe colon cancer had to have substantial portions of their colon removed, but did recover and live for years.

Reading the statistics that were shown here, the cancer is much deadlier than I had thought it to be. I'm uncertain when they say 1.4 million are found to have colon cancer if this includes all those with cancerous polyps removed, or if it's grown beyond that point to be considered as part of the 1.4 million. 700K dying annually certainly would make it a fitting target for DCVax-L if it proves to have benefits. It reminds me, I'm due for a colonoscopy, I've not had even a single polyp in previous ones, but you never know, that's why you do them.

With the New Year's I really should get caught up with some of the Drs. I guess I've been avoiding, not intentionally, just things you don't get around to doing. I do hope we rally a bit going into the New Year, if not it seems that we'll essentially end the year where we began it.
