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Calvin Hobbes

12/19/23 2:04 PM

#12228 RE: tchalla #12227

Go do some DD to understand why it got so high (convertible preferred shares .ALL CANCELED NOW. except 100k series A that converts at 1 to 1 so his 100 000 = 100 000 ) and what the CEO has and is doing about it.


12/19/23 2:04 PM

#12229 RE: tchalla #12227

LOL you said the same thing 5 weeks ago .. tsk ... and just look at your posting history narrative 🤡

And then tis post calling everyone bag holders 5 weeks ago LOL what a fkn joke


12/19/23 2:06 PM

#12231 RE: tchalla #12227

You are always the jealous liar. You're oozing green and I love it. Merry Christmas Grinch. Yes, the former AKA Godzilla had to change your name just like the Whale aka the Apostle. This is what a bad reputation get you.You say the same things without doing proper DD. Move along.Hahaha $$$_$$$$$$$ ABQQ


12/19/23 2:13 PM

#12236 RE: tchalla #12227

The answer to your question "who the heck is paying .002+ for this?" according to the Securities and Exchange Commission, is ABQQ ceo Chiyuan Deng.
The SEC informs us that Mr. Deng has purchased hundreds of millions of shares of this in the past month (You know, since you bashed it with your superior "DD" at .001 on Nov. 16th?)

So, obviously, what you need to do next is make a Phone Tchall to the SEC and tell them that according to your superior DD they are being totally fraudulent with us and there's NO WAY Mr. Deng could be buying those shares -- because you have done the DD. Tell em they are a FAKE commission, giving us fake news and information.

Let us know how they respond. Please.


12/19/23 2:14 PM

#12238 RE: tchalla #12227



Miserable POS that you are


12/19/23 2:17 PM

#12242 RE: tchalla #12227

I double dog dare you seeing as it's Christmas and that's my favorite movie to post to me!!!


12/19/23 2:28 PM

#12252 RE: tchalla #12227

Looser you should got in at 0004 few week back hahahahahahhaj tchalllllaaaaa loooserrr


12/19/23 2:50 PM

#12261 RE: tchalla #12227

LOL. Another side show clown reject stumbled into town looking for a bridge to sleep under. I saw your name and didn't even bother to read your mumble jumbled because i know it's crap. And now you're on the iggy bus with the other stinky clowns.