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Doc logic

12/19/23 11:37 AM

#657217 RE: HappyLibrarian #657108


You know that the only thing that makes sense is that this is such a game changing tech breakthrough that everything was delayed to satisfy the status quo about manufacturing ability to meet expected demand and give big pharma as much time as possible to adjust. This is not about a tech being allowed to be gradually introduced into patient use the way most advances occur and the way most of us expected, even NWBO at first. Well big pharma has had “their decade” to adjust to the findings from their own research about combos with DC vaccines and get a taste for what Direct can do and are now about to pay the piper after not taking NWBO seriously and they made their checkpoint and chemo money independent of it while cancer patients continued to suffer through lesser treatments.
Ken found a way to make money the old fashioned way too, he stole it by spoofing and other, and is giving away money left and right in the attempt to buy influence and a get out of jail free card. The amicus brief by Laura Posner is clearly a signal to the Supreme Court that they are in the cross hairs with regard to upholding the law or bending to influence to make it null and void as the spoofing case moves to disclosure. The tools to track stock trade movement exist and Laura has made the case that the court is obliged to utilize those tools to uphold the law. I love the strategy to expose and take down all the support structure for illegal activity that in the past has been just allowed to continue unopposed. This takes time, though, and investors need to understand that if you are going to build Rome or a Great Pyramid it’s going to take more than a day. Some of us just take longer to understand this than others and that’s ok. The company could not cut their own throats by telling investors there was an indeterminate time of waiting ahead. Best wishes.