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uber darthium

12/18/23 12:12 AM

#94974 RE: stervc #94973

I think 23+ years of deflection and front loaded scams sets the record where readers could well see the scams for themselves. Wonder how CMKX turned out ? Wonder how PMPG turned out ?

I could do the list covering 20+ years


12/18/23 10:29 PM

#94992 RE: stervc #94973

Ignorance? You fucked many on here. You are kidding, right?

So you fucked folks here, then call them ignorant? What am I missing here?


12/18/23 10:39 PM

#94993 RE: stervc #94973

Ignorance and foolishness? Really? I think the statements were spot on in fact given the way this unfolded. Especially since the entire crew moved with John Park to SP*I. This was a straight up scam just like Dino said it was.