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12/14/23 9:06 AM

#4952530 RE: TradeForProfits #4952528

$HHSE-NEWS:..Hannover-House Board Approves Uplist-Actions to OTCQB

Press Release


At a special meeting of the Hannover House Board of Directors, held telephonically on Dec. 12, 2023, two significant actions were discussed and approved.

Firstly, the Board approved the plan as set forth by CEO Eric Parkinson to file the OTC-QB uplist application, which, if approved by the OTC Markets, will put the company's stock shares onto a market forum that is generally considered to be more credible to major shareholders and investors.

Next, the Board approved the actions and expenditures to immediately hire a new "trailer editing" company and a film-marketing-and-PR Services firm, specifically with respect to the motion picture, "WILDFIRE: The Legend of the Cherokee Ghost Horse." The company has received two substantial distribution offers for the film, and these elements and actions are required steps to fully conform to delivery and pre-release tools. The existing trailer for the WILDFIRE movie was edited specifically for the international market, and premiered at the Cannes Film Festival back in May. The narrator was WILDFIRE and YELLOWSTONE star Mo Brings Plenty. The new trailer requested will be much shorter in length and more action-oriented.

For More Information Contact: ERIC PARKINSON, 818-481-5277