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12/11/23 2:09 PM

#19441 RE: Oiloperator #19440

I'm not posting to try to get someone to invest so I can unload my shares. I'm seeing this story through to the conclusion. I may or may not choose to buy more shares, depending on my outlook. My risk tolerance is likely different from yours.

If you believe Red and I and a few others are pumping this stock, you're wrong. Head over the the MONI board and you'll see a true pump and dump in action. You're not seeing any of us suggesting where the Todos share price will be at some point. Yes, we are invested because we believe it will be higher. I only have to get to 0.4 cents to break even. I certainly believe this can go higher than that if things continue with the way Long Covid is going. Anyone still invested here who doesn't believe it will go higher should simply exit and move on. There's a positive psychological aspect to closing out of a losing investment and moving on. Learn from the experience and become better with the next investment decision.

Those who suggest several of us here are back office boys working for Todos are delusional and complete morons. You know who I'm speaking of. Look at how they pump on MONI and IBIO boards. I seriously wish some would just put those of us invested here on ignore, but that's not their agenda.

Here's another thought to consider... the company is clearly issuing shares to fund operations. Who is buying those shares? Who would buy shares in this company on that level if they believe the company and their products are toast? That's a topic no one seems to want to address.