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12/07/23 11:59 AM

#456252 RE: brooklyn13 #456248

How old are you, 18, even then my Grandchildren are of that that age, and they know. . Most people usually know what they are reading. But please stay in your bubble of claiming ignorance. Then you come to this forum and expect a conversation by posting from extreme right-wing websites and tell us we are in a bubble.

I watch the news from many stations each morning, been doing it for decades, some lean right, some lean left, and that is when I make my own opinion. But after 73 years of life, I know exactly who I am. My children when they were younger wanted to know who they were., and how they would react to the world around them. I reminded them that a good education, and reading will assist them in that endeavor. Now they are both over 40, and in they have discovered why they differ on their views of life.

My son leans conservative, and my daughter is more liberal, but in so many ways they go back and forth on the great issues of the day. Life is like that, but eventually you will see your true self.

You want to come here and take issue from someone who hails from Australia, like that means anything. If you are an American, your family came from someplace else and decided to stay in this country. Your heritage is still from someplace else.


12/07/23 12:59 PM

#456260 RE: brooklyn13 #456248

the dynamic of this board is to pile on people who have different opinions

Particularly if the opinions are not based upon factual information. The bias here tends to be towards the truth, or the best truth that can be reasonably determined. Having an opinion based upon emotion or only from a fraction of the story will get you called out all day long. You have noticed this is not an alternative facts magat board, congratulations. Posting some pundit's opinion is not accepted as fact here. Posting a pundit's opinions that are derivative from new or previously unknown information are often discussed. What you seem to think is groupthink is anything counter to your opinion, your opinions seem to have a religious bias.

I am of German ancestry, do you hear me whine about Dresden? No, it was an atrocity but I have heard the reasoning for it. You appear to support the bombing of Gaza civilians since you have never called for an end to it. See what I did there? Imitated your style of ascribing some fabricated negative to any thoughts counter to your own.

by the way, 4 members of my family fought against fascism, all physically survived and it would be a dishonor to their efforts for me to support fascism wherever it occurs, and lately, in a huge irony, the crap Bibi does sure has a whiff of fascism to it, but THAT is opinion is only based on limited information since I do not follow the Mideastern Division of the World Fascist League very closely. When one supports the civilian bombing of Gaza because of the bad guys that live there it spirals into a zone where there doesn't seem to be much morality on either side.

If they keep fucking around over there, I see eventual nuclear detonation as a possible outcome and I do not want that inflicted upon the world.

Now go ahead and tell us how you are personally a victim because someone rejects your opinion and interpretation of what we are seeing.


12/07/23 7:54 PM

#456298 RE: brooklyn13 #456248

brooklyn13, Ah, showing your conix-like, troll-like colors now. After being treated with courtesy
on this board with virtually every point you make being replied to you sink to

"I had never heard of Free Beacon before today. Ok, forget it, the dynamic of this board is to pile on people who have different opinions.
Now the 6 of you can go back to the comfort of your little bubble.

the pettiness of your true colors.