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12/04/23 9:43 AM

#1057 RE: joyceschoice #1056

I posted about a generational shift before trump came on the scene. He forced focus to the discussion. You didn;t need a Hitler to determine Germany was begging for such a person in order to shift away from their decades of humiliation. TRUMP is as startlingly clear as Hitler was when he came on the scene.

I have been sure of the outcome for a very long time. YOU seem to still see this as an amusing over reaction. It is only in the 11th hour that both the press and many republicans are starting to get frightened.

I can prove which one of us is rational. But you wouldn;t want that would you. You see all i have to do is present facts in chronological order with the daily narcicisstic acts, immoral behaviour, bigotry, and actual crimes he committed before during and after his presidency. A low life the likes we have never seen before.

So take out your Clorox rip your veins and pour in the cleansing solution. the man is not just an embarassment but displays to the world our crude simplistic animalistic thoughts. he is US! This isn;t the first time we came close to having another trump but this time we have a landslide opinion. Can anyone in their right mind set up a scenario like the one we have today and conclude the voter wants him desperately to win.

So if you think this is funny and prime time for your amusement I can direct you to his verifiable acts from strange deranged to sadistic. I can also prove how one man has already corrupted all the other branches of government where even senators and congressman sought a preemptive pardon after the failed coup.

I was ridiculed for years predicting the current situation and back then they told me we are not that stupid or cruel. well here we are. YOU actually think this is just politics and will have no real affect on our lives. Me, I see this as the known properties of a Pandemic sweeping over the oceans to coming for us. it is that clear and that dangerous. In factr I KNOW once he is in office he will have to be thrown bodily out. he has nothing to lose by destroying his own nation. if he goes down so will we all. How is this concept so hard to understand? it is inevitable given his long record. he is a walking talking predictability.

I am astonished every day how we refuse to accept the reality we are given. I have plans for an extended stay away once he takes office. How many jews left before Hitler made it impossible? I mean DUH! It ONLY took a 5th grader of averge intelligence to see the path they were on. History is nothing more than Repeat, Rinse, Repeat. This as technological advances approach godlike results. Something is wrong with this picture. My refernce to the antichrist and biblical stories of Gods vengence on our advancement to challenge his own powers is coming to light.

A coincidence we have TRUMP at the exact time we have the means to develop computers a million times more powerful than anything today? Not science fiction anymore. Quantum computing is already here. the technology and means to develop a million fold powerful computer is already in our grasp. in ten years it is likely to be accomplished. Imagine the discoveries and a leap in the geoligical scale to the tune of thousands of years compressed into one.

You know this conversation is stale. Like rehashing a KNOWN Pandemic and being ignored as if we still live in the stone age. I made a lot of money despite being early on my bets TWICE! I actually couldn;t believe we needed a death on our soil to accept the truth. but thats exactly what happened. My long career and aptitude coincided with my analytical skills. LOGIC! Application programmer, system programmer, data base administtrator, operations manager, and as my company got taken over they fired every person in IT except ME! I ran the show and was on call 24/7. my biggest mistake was not walking away. To this day I get startled when the phone rings in the evenings. I wrote whole applications from order entry to accounts payable. For me "seeing" the path we are in is easy and I can;t understand why all can't. I bet always early in advance of change. this change will be monumental and still unpredicable on timing. The window has shrunk greatly. Knowing what is to come and preparing for it is not easy.

Heck maybe this time next year I will be ridiculed for my doomsday call. I sure hope so.

As for the MARKET! Bitcoin still surging and that was my canary in the coal mine bet. I can only assume we have more glorious moves ahead of elections. Maybe even right up to the results.