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11/28/23 10:58 PM

#719428 RE: ron_66271 #719427

yo ron???.... how much longer are you going to continue this charade of ignorance?.... Plan 6 was never implemented, nor voted on...The equity committee Presentation was never ratified into law... who cares if the FDIC prodded the OTS to take WAMU into receivership?, the event has long since been done...JPM is done paying for WAMU's assets, and JPM and the rest of the banks paid a 33 billion dollars penalty TO THE SEC FOR ACTIONS TAKEN DURING THE FINANCIAL CRISIS... none of that money went to WAMU, or WMI.....lastly, who cares about the derivative market?... if JPM was involved, it did not impact WAMU, as WAMU was broke from the run on the 16 billion dollars in savings withdrawals...discussing the losing score after the game has been played will NOT CHANGE THE SCORE!!!!!!!!.....there is no money coming to you or others on this board who have been waiting and slurping up your koolade.. WMI has altready told you so over 12 years ago....Lodas