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11/28/23 9:29 AM

#208338 RE: rocketeer357 #208337

I think the Rangers will re-sign Montgomery which does not please me. I've always found that getting a pitcher who pitched a lot of high stress innings late in the season, increases greatly his chance of injury the next year (except for Chapman who is an anomaly).
On the other hand, I'm not sure my heart can handle the stress of watching Snell walk three before striking out the side every inning.
I was really rooting to sign Nola.
Of course our key is Scherzer and DeGrom at some point together during the season.
With that said, my biggest want is Hader. It's so tough to find a closer with any sort of consistency.
I also wonder if Mike Maddux's reputation gets us easier to sign free agent pitchers.


11/28/23 10:20 AM

#208339 RE: rocketeer357 #208337

Hader's going to get paid better than Diaz, so no point in fantasizing about him in a Mets uniform. I doubt Timmy Trumpet would be willing to tune it up for the 8th inning anyway.

I Didn't say I'm fantasizing, there is no chance the mets get hader, they as usual will sign 1-2 quality guys and leave the bullpen short. It doesn't have to be hader, I just want a bunch of proven decent relievers, because if you don't have the best starters in the world have a deep quality bullpen might have the fans care past June. Especially in today's game. If you said your gonna be competiive that is the easiest way to do it. And Hader will come in knowing he has the 8th inning. Simply just pay him more than anyone else. Even if you do pay him more what is it gonna be 5/110 Million. I mean heck Mediocre starters might get more money. Or just simply add a bunch of quality 7-10 milion a year guys, that is another way to go.

As for starters, I Just believe that so much of the transition from Japan with these elite japanese pitchers, is as much in the head, as there talent in the arm. Do they have the personality than can adjust to a new language although they have interpeters. Can they relate to the teamates, do they not feel homesick, do they like it here other than the money, can they adjust to pitching every 5 days, which is yet another problem, they were avoiding senga pitching every 5 days last year, are they gonna do the same with Yamamoto and will senga still be on 6 days pretty much like last year, than you simply need even more pitchers than I thought. This is not to say Yamamoto is gonna be bad he could be great for all I know, the only thing is unlike senga, if senga is a #3 you didn't make a bad signing, in fact it was a decent signing. I think senga is a high quality 2 and maybe a low level ace, so he was a bargain. This guy is gonna get paid like and ace, and we have no clue what he is here. as I said he could be an ace and given his age that is very appealing, but your gonna pay him like one. So at best you got what you paid for, with a great possibility of you overpaying on various levels.

As for starters Let me give you some names. Obviously Cease, Burnes and Glasnow are probably available for trade. You Have Yamamoto. If they are not gonna trade for one of those 3, I have a feeling they are in love with there prospects a bit more than I am, so I doubt they make any trades. I like Rodriguez from the tigers. And Montgomery from the rangers for starters. I find Flaherty interesting for the third guy signed so to speak. A Guy Like Manea pitched well in the 2nd half, he has appeal as the last of 3 signed kind of guy. Lugo although I doubt he comes back to the mets has potential to be that 3rd guy they sign. You can sign woodruff as the 3rd guy, knowing he is gonna miss some time, and just have an open competition for the 5th spot between luchessi, megill, and Butto. Not against that idea either if woodruff signs a two year deal, but if you sign the japanese pitcher, you might need to sign three guys and woodruff, because the need to go 6 man alot of the season. The answer is simple if they want a rotation. Sign Yamamoto, Sign one of Montgomery or Rodriguez, I prefer rodriguez because less innings on the arm from last year so to speak. And than sign one of a lugo, Manea, flaherty type. Add that to quintana and senga, you can build a decent rotation I just don't think they will spend to that extent fix the bullpen to the extent that is need and fix the lineup to the extent that is needed. I'm begging them to get me a DH, none of this platoon of terrible options they have to get some offense from this position if you don't want to spend there, than just give vientos the job for a year and see what he can do. Look back at year end and see what he does. The options other than the obvious overpay of Ohtani is two fold. Sign Jd Martinez, appealing if the deal is very short-term. Or Sign Rhys Hoskins on a 1 year prove it deal so he can reenter the market. Both of those options are appealing to me. I would like to give Vientos the 3b job (But to fair it should be an open competiton), as I like his bat better than baty, but I also feel the organization believes in baty a bit more than I do. I would give maurcio the 2b Job, Put mcneil in LF. Could Baty or Vientos learn to play LF they did it in the minors, because I wouldn't mind them being the option as the extra OF if and when we can't count on marte which is very likely at this point. There is just a ton of problems here no depth, not buying wacha for a second, let someone else sign him. Not buying snell, as I don't trust him.

If I was the GM as much as I'm complaining I would take the chance with Yamamoto, I would sign rodriguez/montgomery (I prefer Rodriguez more because of the less stress inning on the arm, plus he might be in less demanad because of the hype of what montgomery did in the playoffs, which is more a negative for me because of the innings on the arm, liked him more before the deep run into the playoffs, because of the wear on his arm), and than a flaherty/Manea/lugo for the 3rd spot. That is my thoughts anyways. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.


11/28/23 1:42 PM

#208343 RE: rocketeer357 #208337

Winters would be very boring for baseball fans without the hot stove and every fan of a team having a wish list for next year. Do Brewers fans have anything on their wish list this year besides a new manager who can surpass Counsell?