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11/15/23 11:32 AM

#330511 RE: Poo28 #330508

The regulators want shareholders to get their information via SEC filings and Updates on Company websites.

BULL. Day in and day out, companies come out with PR's that highlight business relationships that are entered into with other companies. They might not publish the exact details of contracts, but they OFTEN announce that relationships have been entered into.

Want to come out with a SINGLE item that DBMM has highlighted, that would let shareholders know that deals are ACTUALLY happening?

You are SO FOS PooLinda. Give it up.

Let's see EVIDENCE of this "growth" DBMM has been experiencing!

DBMM is being "sustained" with LOANS!!! They are BORROWING to stay afloat! Their EXPENSES are EXCEEDING the income stream!

I'm almost POSITIVE that the forthcoming 10K will show EXACTLY that. Care to offer a differing opinion? I hope you do, so that I can BURY you with the FACTS, once the 10K is published.


11/15/23 2:29 PM

#330543 RE: Poo28 #330508

One. More. Time.

Doing stupid things and digging yourself into a hole and then hiring someone to get you out of if, all the while blaming everyone but yourself for your problems is NOT winning.
BTW, youre still not out of the hole so stop gloating.