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11/10/23 9:29 AM

#166561 RE: jeunke22 #166531

The commentary is helpful. It really validates what KCC has been saying but many have not be hearing, as well as much of what I've been saying with regard to their current status.

This is progressing slower than the positive narrative which dominates this board and has for years.

I know I"ve been pretty harsh over the last year and a half with my criticisms of that over-enthusiastic mindset.
But many have been hurt from the inflated expectations that fail to be met. It's time for that to stop. It's time for everyone to see things as they really are.

This is a long term aspiration. Dr Lebby in his commentary addresses that briefly in his final sentence - he is trying to create value over the long term.

There are plenty of fairly clear statements in this commentary which at the moment I won't bother to point out that validate what I've been saying: They are trying, they are beginning to generate SOME interest (ie "multiple" prototype requests) but it is taking time.  

Some here really do believe the projections for 2024 will be met. Well, we have a whole year to find out -- an entire year before we can rule out the possibility that they will produce something having revenues attached. But if you read this commentary with an open mind you'll see it validates what I've been saying and what KCC has been saying: there is some interest out there now, but that large deals are not likely any time soon.

KCC just said he is an optimist. I have the benefit of not having (much) skin in the game here. Perhaps that is one reason I'm not nearly as optimistic at this point in time. Maybe that will change over the coming year.

From what I'm seeing still his may or may not happen. We still don't know what or how significant the remaining hurdles are. The 10Q does address what some of them are and we can reasonably conclude they are still working to get the first PDK qualified at some point in the future with a willing foundry - per the commentary several are "implementing" - ie working on them.

Best of luck to all. Patience will be required here.