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02/23/07 12:17 PM

#65826 RE: nilremerlin #65784

I have to believe that Jones did not lie about the Stratellite. Kelly Cramer comes on at first like milk toast to disarm and then begins asking loaded questions obviously based on some kind of misinformation that she either obtained or possibly invented on her own.

She asked me, point blank, whether Uli and I ever had a contract with Sanswire. I told her that at the time of the Atlanta demonstration, neither Uli or myself were under contract to Molen. Yet, in her hatcht-job article, she infers that I was, in fact, under contract to Sanswire. I flatly told her that no contract ever existed between myself and Sanswire - yet her article states otherwise.

THAT was the reason Huff flew out to California - that Molen NEVER HAD me under contract. I can't speak for Uli, but I suspect the same happened with him. Besides that, any contract would have been between Sanswire and Stratodyne. No such contract ever existed.

At the Atlanta demo, some of the Sanswire people said aloud that Vern was under contract. My wife, stood up and said, "Oh no he isn't!" That is when Uli told my wife and I that he was not under contract as well. Molen had abandoned Uli and I to meet behind closed doors with Australian investors. We were left in the main board room to eat stale cookies and soda pop. In other words, we were excluded from that meeting.

The only 'contract' that ever existed was between GTE and Stratodyne. My wife has a copy of the 1st $70,000 installment check written by GTE. Molen may have believed that the verbal agreement we had to build a small ultralight airship for the Atlanta demo constituted a "contract." Out of the agreed to $50,000 cost, we received only $2,500 from Sanswire/Molen. That is why an ultralight Eipper MXL Sprint was purchased from Eipperformance (where John Lasko came from). I was later told that Sanswire borrowed the $10,000 from GTE to purchase the ultralight airplane.

While working in Redlands, CA., on the Strat parts, the subject of the ultralight came up during Huff's visit. Huff said that I could have it. GTE had no need of it. But, that is the only promise that Huff ever made to me that didn't come to fruition. Since the plane was in Atlanta, I suspect it was sold to an ultralight dealer.