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11/03/23 9:46 AM

#165709 RE: jeunke22 #165690

Newcomers, jeunke22 just revealed 2 very important things when he said this:

If he would have understood the importance of the diamondoid patent he could have had for more than a year a really good argument to beat up us longs

First, he validates what I've been saying all along: There are significant hurdles that the company has to overcome. I said this a year ago and am continuing to say it. Why? Because of what the company says and doesnt' say, does and doesn't do. Tea leaves. It's obvious they are still working on hurdles and there is no guarantee they will ever overcome them in time to significantly capitalize on it with a working product. I mean, our own KCC thinks it would be another year before they even have a PROTOTYPE product! Wow, just wow...$500 million teetering on the edge of a high rise...

Second, while he doesn't say this, he seems to be implying that this issue/hurdle (it's really just a patent so it could still be a problem that isn't competely fixed) is something that the good ol' boys network has known about for some time and discussed among their little click, which includes some who have shares from some 15 years ago.

That is to say - they don't care if Newcomers have a skewed perception of the status here as long as their own backs are getting scratched.

In fact one of them named Scope says he doesn't care about you. But if he or she colludes with the "gang" to keep bad news out of the public eye that means he also doesn't care about transparency:

Newcomers....I don't care about you. I hope you research LWLG and the industry, and see fit to buy a small stake of shares to keep on your radar....but I don't really care.

The alias is appropriate - talk about rancid breath!

I"m here to right the wrongs. I want transparency for all shareholders, and then let the chips fall where they may. Until then, it is a cheat and the stock is propped up unfairly. The high (top 2.2%) short position is evidence that others believe the stock is too high.

To help balance out the messaging, I made the Top 3 Red Flags post which can be found near the top of all posts as a sticky. Good luck.
